Saturday, March 10, 2012

5 Bad Habits That Can Ruin Your Appearance

By Ilechukwu Magnus

Any man who has an eye for fashion will always want to look his best but it is more than putting on a tailored suit. It doesn't matter whether you are naturally beautiful or whether you have the best suits, your daily habits can affect your appearance. If you know that you have been guilty of some appearance killing habits, then you ought to consider the following tips.

Find The Best Mens Suits- The 5 Common Habits You Must Change

By changing the following habits, you will gain the most from every men's suits you put on.

Don't Use Any Skin Care Product You Can Find- A lot of men have formed the habit of using every skin care product they find. This may seem inapplicable but you can reek havoc on your skin for using any soap on you face. Some of this soaps have chemical constituents that can cause havoc on the skin. The best way to correct this habit is to use a product that fits your unique skin. This is how you will get younger, softer and clearer skin.

The Dry Shaving Habit- It is often hard to dry shave without bumps, ingrown hairs, skin irritation, cuts and painful rashes. While you may want to endure the pains of dry shaving, it still surely show on your face. Next time, spend a little extra money when you buy your razors and pick up a new can of shaving cream. This way, you can easily avoid all these stuffs that cause havoc on your skin.

Cheap Men Suits For Sale- Do You Touch Your Face?- During the day, your hands easily get contaminated by the objects you actually touch. When you touch your face, all of this gunk transfers from your hands to your face. This action will not only lead to the blockage of face pores but also to the promotion of wrinkles. Wash your hands often, and avoid touching your face.

Slouching- Have you forgotten those period when your mum use to beg you to stop slouching? Many teenagers never value this advice but it is something you should have paid attention to. Slouching over is not only bad for your spine, but it can greatly affect how others see you. This type of posture sends the message that you don't have any confidence and are lazy. It is often better that you sit straight and let people know that you have self courage.

Avoid Smoking- You are no longer in the high school, hence smoking may not really be acceptable in your age. It spells something bad about you each time. Carcinogens is a common chemical compound found in cigarettes. This bad habit can lead to pale skin, deep lines on your face, and even cancer. If you even smell smoke in the public, that is worse. If you are really thinking of looking your best, then quit smoking. It may be difficult at first, but if you are persistent, the results will be worth the effort.

It is not enough to only purchase expensive men's suits. You must also put your bad habits in check. Get the newest tips about mens suits

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