Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Man Boobs: The Real Secret To Losing Them

By Cliff Manchester

A lot of guys, and even girls, are getting annoyed already by the mysterious 'man boobs' that just wouldn't disappear. After testing out one or two diet strategies, going to the gym 5 times a week, or taking medications, they are still there. It's a major issue physically, psychologically, and emotionally. So how does one get rid of those misplaced angry glands? Do effective ways truly exist? Of course! The solutions are there all along and you just did not know it. Do you see the overall picture now?

First, though, let us try to take an in-depth look at the things attached to them before you proceed with your lose-man-boobs project.

Why You Have Man Boobs

The development of man boobs has lots of reasons. While many guys battling with weight issues are prone to this condition, slim men can still be affected. That'd lead us to hormone imbalance, which is actually considered as the number one cause.

Hormonal problem takes place in men when:

- They're exposed to hormone changing chemicals contained in various products like plastic, stuff utilized for private care like deodorants, and steroids
- There's already an existing hormone-related health condition
- They suffer from obesity

We are talking about the testosterone-estrogen ratio in men here. When there is more estrogen than testosterone, man boobs appear.

What To Do To Lose Man Boobs

What to do to lose man boobs should not be the first question but rather, 'can you handle the challenge? ' Some of you might already have an idea in mind on how to lose man boobs รข€" testosterone overload. It's not difficult to visit a doctor and ask for some supplies, of course. Sadly, this alone can not do the trick. Balancing the hormones in your body must happen naturally. Thus, the restoration process must also be natural. This is called 'reversing the process. '

Reversing the process to lose man boobs is a technique that involves a sequence of activities and diet program to help your body minimise the synthesis of estrogen, increase testosterone levels, and lose weight too. Consider this a corrective process. It'll take time, dedicated planning, and discipline.

Well, you might be thinking of combining five-times-a-week workout routine and stringent diet but balancing the hormones is generally all about eating and using the right things. Swapping is the keyword. It is just about synonymous to changing your eating habits and choosing healthy foodstuff. Here are some examples:

- Throw away vegetable oil and switch to olive oil. Vegetable oil is one of the toughest natural sources of harmful trans-fats contrary to what the word 'vegetable ' may imply.
- Increase intake of legumes and vegetables and take a break from pasta, rice, and breads otherwise known as simple carbohydrates.
- Watch out for Bisphenol A. This is a hormone-altering chemical found in plastic bottles. If you are so into bottled drinks, always check for the label 'Bisphenol A-free. '
- Zero percent or low fat sounds better but they are potentially harmful especially if you are trying to lose man boobs. Most of them have sugars and are chemically processed that in turn produce more fat. Go natural instead.

Now, you suspect it is simple but these are just the tip of the iceberg. Losing fats may be nearly as good as losing your man boobs but this doesn't always work for all. Although these are deemed safe, make sure to check with your doctor before doing any of the above recommendations.

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