Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Think Realistically To Cure Panic Attacks

By Matthew Insardi

Panic attacks are exhausting and annoying. Do you want to cure panic attacks? Would you like to get rid of the anxiety throughout your day? You don't have to live with panic and anxiety, but it all starts with you.

If you want to cure panic attacks and stop anxiety you need to think realistically. Images turn into thoughts and thoughts turn into behavior and behavior into actions. Imagine two people sitting in traffic. One feels trapped like there is no way out and starts to hyperventilate. While the other decides this is a good time to practice some abdominal breathing and calming exercises.

What if, is your worst enemy. If you "what if" your life to death you will never cure anxiety. You need to realize that you are in control of your thoughts and your thoughts determine if you have anxiety or live in peace.

Stop thinking that the worst is going to happen all the time. You are not going to die. You are not going to pass out from lack of oxygen and you are not going crazy. Stop thinking like that. Anxiety is completely natural at certain levels. Let the anxiety come and pass through your body at a natural level.

The fastest way to start realistic thinking is to first identify the unreality thought. Then challenge it. Is it really likely that your thought is going to happen. The answer is no. Now change your thought with a more probable one.

For example if you feel dizzy. You might jump to the conclusion that your about to fall over and die. Well have you felt dizzy before? Have you died before? No. More likely, the case is that your blood sugar is dropping, so go grab a bite to eat and you will start to feel better.

Thinking realistically all starts with your images that are in your head. Switch out the negative images with positive ones and you will notice the anxiety and panic melt away.

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