Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Impact Of Sexual Abuse Survivor Stories To Other People

By Alexandra Anderson

There are a lot of sexual abuse survivor stories that impact on the emotions of people in different ways. In most cases, women are the victims and they are abused in different ways. However, some of them only managed to escape from this predicament after reporting the case to the law enforcement agencies. Some of them have to fight for their dear lives and others are infected with sexually transmitted diseases.

Young women often talk of incidents where they were abused by close relatives looking after them. These people often grew up under the custody of their relatives after the death of their parents and these people in turn abuse them. The victims are offered nice things so that they will keep quite. In some instances, the victims are threatened with severe punishment if they report the case to anyone.

Employers are also the main culprits who have a history of abusing their workers. Some people are threatened with dismissal from work if they do not comply with the sexual demands of their bosses. Some of the people may tend to ignore this abuse since they are scared of losing their jobs. However, some of these people only speak about these experiences when they have been infected with sexually transmitted diseases.

There are also unscrupulous robbers who have a tendency of gang raping women if they break into their residences. These victims narrate of events where they are even raped in full view of their spouses or children. Some children are sexually abused by rebels as punishment in a war situation. These people are also raped by a lot of people at the same time.

Some people are trafficked to other countries where they are promised good jobs by different agencies. However, these people often find themselves in a situation where they are used as sex workers in different brothels. It may be difficult for them to escape from these places and are trapped for years. The bad part about this work is that they are paid very little by the people who capture them.

There are some teachers who have a tendency of sexually abusing female students so that they can pass their studies. The victims are threatened with death if they tell anyone about the ongoing abuse. These people can indulge in sexual activities just for the sake of passing their studies.

There are also other motorists who are reported to sexually abuse their passengers after giving them intoxicating drugs. These people are often taken to secluded places where they are abused and they often escape when their captors are sleeping. However, some of these people are injured as they try to escape from their captors.

People who are abused by others are treated in a very bad way and this often affects them psychologically. Some of the victims fail to live normal lives after experiencing these horrible acts. Therefore, it can be seen that sexual abuse survivor stories are very sad and they compel people to take action against such cases.

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