Monday, October 1, 2012

Tips On How To Make A Difference In The World

By Janell Bowers

Most people believe that they are not good enough to change the world just because they do not have money or power to control people. It is not always about money, it is the influence that a person impacts on people that changes society. How to make a difference in the world is not as hard as getting people to know they have the will to do so.

Most people who have made a difference in the earth had a humble background and had to learn how to appreciate the little things that life offers. Making a difference is all about influencing people to follow dreams that will help them improve their lifestyles and that of the next generation. For this, one needs to be capable of influencing people in their social circles before venturing to bigger circles.

Sometimes, impacting people politically is not always the way to change the planet, one can make an impact by inventing distinctive creation that will better the lives of people. For example, Steve Jobs was not the most social person to come across, but still he managed to change the world with his knowledge.

When you think about it, its never an easy task and require determination and lots of sacrifices; however it is always important to remember that all contributions matters no matter how small they are. Everyone is capable of changing the earth all they need to do is utilize their talents and skills to empower people. Sometime one should just give without expecting anything in return.

Additionally, whining and complaining will always create trouble instead of solving issues that requires attention. Therefore, people should take charge of their lives and the future of the next generation by asking for change and if it is not given to them make things happen by taking the right steps. This starts by putting envisioned leaders in public offices so as to utilize anything that the government offers to impact society.

Setting an example by not only talking the talk, but walking the talk is sometimes all it takes to change the earth. One may not necessarily change the globe, but the fact that there is an influence that impacts the lives of people is enough to make a difference. One should understand their position in society and try much to maintain it by being a role model, and not destroying the lives of people looking up to you by screwing up.

Making a change only takes the right mindset, strategy and the guts to pursue the dream without backing out. One should be highly motivated and should not depend on the outcomes to be motivated; otherwise, one will end up quitting due to disappointments. Mother Teresa once said that helping a single person is better than refusing to help claiming that one cannot afford to help those in need.

Looking for a way of how to make a difference in the world can be frustrating especially if one has great dreams and aspirations but lacks funds to accomplish them. In this case, one should make those that can afford it understand the need for the change, and to your surprise, they may end up contributing even more than you expected.

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