Saturday, November 24, 2012

Effective Means Of Defending Oneself From An Attacker Soon After Grocery-Shopping

By Dorane A Bocurn

My mommy possessed her very own self defense pepper spray when she was my age. She decided it was time for me to have one given that I was going to college.

She sat me down and explained to me that self defense sprays were non deadly devices which left an unpleasant burning feeling within the eyes as well as on the skin of the target. These would lead to choking, excessive tearing and coughing but not give permanent physical harm. They would immobilize the enemy for a few minutes in order that the victim could escape.

I found a high school classmate's tiny defense spray one time. It was portable thus she toted it within her own bag or pocket constantly. Plus, this was concealable in her hand. On one occasion, when she was almost robbed, the assailant had little idea that he was going to be sprayed in the face until he was.

Our neighbor showed me her key chain defense spray several weeks back and this was very inconspicuous. It was connected to her bag together with her other key chains. As soon as she encountered an attacker, the guy did not notice the pepper spray at all thus he got sprayed by surprise.

Mommy gifted me a 1/2 oz. Pepper Shot with colored leatherette holster. It is 10 % defense spray gauged at 2M SHUs (Scoville Heat Units). This particular one is a lot more effective as it is composed of fine grains. This can shoot six to ten one-second bursts approximately a range of 6 to 8 feet.

I went out to purchase some groceries one evening. I brought the car so I could go back home just before my favorite TV program started.

I was just about to load my grocery bags into the motor vehicle when a man moved in front of me, threatened me and also told me to give him my keys. I pepper-sprayed him quickly. The security noticed us and apprehended the attacker at once.

The self defense pepper spray I had absolutely saved my life and also my groceries that night. Mom freaked out however she was relieved that she had provided me the spray just in time.

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