Monday, November 19, 2012

How To Be Confident

By Charles M. Perkins

Most of the students entering college like you have a desire to be popular somehow. You want everyone to know them and like them. The first year is very important because it will determine what type of student you will be. As college students build relationships with other college students and professors, they will become more well known on campus. Becoming well know is only half the battle, the other half is leaving others with a positive impression after meeting you. Trust me you can NOT even think of getting popular by drinking and smoking weed. You don't have to be a 'bad guy' in order to be popular, you have to earn respect for yourself.

One thing you can do in your steps to become popular is to be confident about yourself. Confident people emit a sort of aura that lets other people know that they can get jobs done and that no matter what they ask, they'll get a quick response. If you have a tendency towards being shy, people won't notice you and will just pass you by. One way you can gain practice is to practice in the mirror your facial expression. If you can control your facial expression, people will want to talk to you more and you'll gain not only confidence but friends.

Show Empathy. Empathy is when you step into someone shoes and feel what they feel. It is a step more than sympathy, it's sharing and understanding what some is feeling.Remember things about others. Remember the things others have told you. If you can talk a few day later about something they told you that is very powerful. It tells the other person that not only have you listened, but you have remembered. Be proactive in your relationships. You be the one who initiates conversation, you be the one who organises social gatherings. You be the one who sends a Facebook message to someone who you haven't spoken to in a while. Be real. People like someone who is real. People are sick of people who act all the time, pretending to be someone they aren't.

People are sick of others who lie. People want to be friends with someone who is real, truthful and honest.Be funny. People like funny people, simple. People like comedians, they go to their shows, buy their dvd's. Comedians take people's mind off their own problems. If you are naturally funny, use your gift. One thing I will say is try and make yourself the butt of jokes; if you don't know someone and your making fun of them you may get a punch in the mouth for your troubles.

Becoming a popular student is perhaps easy at school but college is a larger society and thus fulfilling your desire of becoming popular at college maybe an arduous task but I guess if you follow the tips I have mentioned above you may become an extremely popular student!

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