Monday, November 19, 2012

What To Do To Steer Clear Of Trouble

By Jiem F Blackmroe

I am a beat cop working the night shift. If there is one thing I have learned about being a police officer, this is that you never know when implementing the law will get you into trouble along with the law which you're enforcing. You shoot a perp to save a victim and, rather than receiving a medal for heroism, you get taken away into court for the excessive use of force.

Now, I use a Knuckle Blaster stun gadget to be able to prevent utilizing my own firearm as well as having to face the perp's lawyer within a courtroom in which I am the defendant.

Stun gadgets are non-lethal weapons because they use an electrical shock instead of bullets in order to incapacitate momentarily. In case I stun a suspect, he'll drop without a fight, so it's fairly risk-free self-defense for me, and also for him. I refrain from killing him, hurting him for good and also having to deal with Internal Affairs and the courts.

My high voltage stun gun seems like black brass knuckles however with electrified ends on the knuckles. I won't have to punch a suspect with it, just touch him, and 950,000 volts will make sure that he falls twitching.

In case I stun him for a half-second, it will cause some pain. One or two seconds is going to confuse him as well as give him muscle spasms. Three or five seconds is going to make him lose equilibrium and even more confused as well as disoriented. The shock penetrates even half an inch of clothing.

Whether you've got big hands like my own or tiny hands, this kind of knuckle stun device is comfortable to hold since it has gentle rubber skin. The thumb-operated safety allows you to operate it and make use of the weapon with the exact same hand.

Using an electric gun to be able to bring crooks down is going to keep me from probably losing my badge, or going to jail.

With my Knuckle Blaster stun gun, I can take the scumbags away from the streets while keeping my handgun in its holster where it won't get me in trouble while I am just doing my work enforcing the law.

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