Sunday, March 31, 2013

How Can You Manifest Your Destiny?

By Zoe Smith

How does your day go? When you wake up do you force yourself out of bed, drink that cup of coffee and wearily trudge to work along with the hundreds of people in the streets?You know that it could be worse but then again-it could also be much better, right? There has got to be more to life than an endless parade of days just surviving. You have an amazing destiny that you need to step into beginning today.

Sure, you think, that sounds great but what can I do about it? Friend, do not think that a great life is reserved only for the perfumed and perfect. Anybody can have the life they want and everybody has a purpose to why they are alive. Now, if you are willing to expand your mind and stretch yourself-you too can manifest your destiny. Find out how by reading this article.

What is destiny? Is destiny something that is automatically yours to possess, or is it something we have to deliberately fashion out of every decision we make? Well, one thing's for sure-nobody is destined to be poor and without direction in life. A good life is prepared and indeed, ready for us to step in to- but it is up to us to discover and use the gifts and abilities in us to make the life we want.

So how do we do this? What is this power inside of every human being that is capable of changing any situation and circumstance in life? It is nothing more than the invisible and all powerful spirit that is your true self.

The spirit is the alpha and omega of your life. For some, they only associate "spirit talk" to the religious and consider it insubstantial and irrelevant to the practical matters of the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you understand who you are and what you can do-it can bring you the health and wealth you desire in all areas of your life.

Everything you see, hear, smell and touch in the world is vibratory energy. These energy vibrations transmit signals and naturally seek out that of the same resonance. This is the principle that holds up the law of attraction. The more you focus your thoughts and emotions on the image of wealth and success, then whatever is needed for your image to come to pass will be drawn to you. Dwell on positive energy and reject negative thoughts-this is the secret of subliminal manifestation.

That's why people always say that you need to be careful of what you wish for because more often than not-you do get it. This is not just a coincidence, it is the unchanging principle that the universe operates by. Remember, everything you see in the world was created by an invisible idea inside a man. You may not see with your natural eyes the life you want, but you can manifest your destiny by the power that lies inside of you today.

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