Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happiness Defined

By Sienna Nalin

We are all seeking for joy and happiness. We want to be able to be happy because something about it deep inside of us gives us the feeling of being satisfied with where we are at, what we are doing and whatever else. The true question we must ask ourselves is how is happiness defined? What exactly is happiness? (Image by aussiegall via Flickr)

Mired in this over stimulated environment, we are constantly reminded of our own inadequacy. (Oh, you finally lost those 10 pounds after giving birth six months ago? That's nice. Gisele did it in two weeks. See this morning's Google alert.)

Is it any wonder that so many of us devour books on happiness, open our wallets for life coaches and wellness retreats, and generally remain grumpy despite all the things we do have, always chasing that elusive state of "happiness."

Happiness is ...

Happiness: a state of contentment; a pleasurable or satisfying experience.

This definition is just a generic definition and there is more to what can make people happy. We all have our own definition of happiness, so I'd like to share with you mine:

Happiness: Taking control of your life and feeling empowerment about doing so with no type of time limitation being imposed.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. It would be really hard to be in a blissful state of mind each and every second of every day, but we get to choose which seconds define our day, our week and our lives. It is that choice and that control that I believe is true happiness.

Whether it's a new computer or a new relationship, these external sources, although enjoyable, can distract us from our inner source of happiness -- our control over our state of mind.

Once you are able to see that bad things happen and that feeling of being upset doesn't have to last for long because you control your state of mind, you truly know what happiness is. You can't rely on false happiness such as getting the latest iPhone because that is just for the moment and isn't really an internal happiness.

Knowing that you control your happiness and that no one can take it away from you or define it for you leaves you in charge.

...Continue reading at The Craze Behind 'Happiness' - Huffington Post

You make your own happiness and that is what I think is the real definition of happiness. Just you knowing that alone should help you kick start your path to being happy.

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