Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Want To Know The Truth About Abs?

By Tory Jackson

There is a lot of contradictory information on the market concerning nutrition and physical activity but not one single topic gets more focus than abdominals. Ripped, toned abdominal muscles are featured on tv and in magazines and are the roots of desire for many men and women looking to improve their physiques. What exactly are their secrets? If you are hoping get past all the lies and myths about abdominal workouts and discover the actual facts about fast-tracking your way to a beach-body, read ahead.

## Problem No. 1: Performing strictly ab exercises during your workout

Too often individuals feel that doing 100 crunches is going to make their abs pop. This is simply false! Isolating the abs will only be beneficial for targeting those particular muscles. Sure, you will feel the burn but to get the abs to stand out, you'll need to integrate full-body exercises in your routine . Consider some of the following multijoint exercises and do not hesitate to ask about for help:

- Deadlift

- Squat

- Overhead press

- Pullups, etc.

## Problem No. 2: Lack of intensity in training

The saying "no pain, no gain" is certainly true when it comes to exercise. Our bodies are designed to make use of fuel as efficiently as possible and to produce more muscle mass than we need is not necessary. Just like any other muscle in your body, intensity, duration, and weight are factors that define how that muscle will respond to a stressor. So if you're really set on doing decline situps, go for heavy weight with 3-4 sets of 8 reps as opposed to one set of 50 repetitions. Doing this will maximize muscle growth and thus, increase abdominal muscle size.

## Problem No. 3: Insufficient muscular foundation

There are some who are convinced that sticking to dietary fads will help reduce body fat they've got around the stomach. In order to see those abs you have been yearning for, you must have developed abs underneath the fat. First, begin with rigorous strength training to build muscle before dropping the calories.

## Problem No. 4: Nutrition which is inconsistent with your goals

The surest way to get abs you want is to coordinate your physique goals with your nutrition goals. If you are looking to build muscle, you have to increase your caloric intake to give your body the nutrients to restore damaged tissue during exercise. When looking to maximize fat loss, maintain a low carbohydrate, high protein diet while hitting the gym hard.

## Problem No. 5: Not maintaining consistent degree of exercise or nutrition

You simply cannot quit. The body takes time to get form point A to point B so results are only achieved after hard work has been put in. Keep a calendar or a notebook of your workouts so you can stay on task.

In conclusion, to get the perfect abdominals demands a lot of work. You'll need to put in the time and effort in your workout routines and in your nutrition to achieve the look you've always wanted. It will take some time if you're starting from scratch but once you make it happen, you will know that it all paid off.

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