Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fabulously Terrific Homemade Facials with Oatmeal

By Lyndon Roberts

Putting oatmeal to use in a facial is nothing new. There are many different homemade facials out there that you can utilize to make your skin appear and feel better. A high number of people who are authority figures on homeopathic skin care advise using oatmeal as one of your essential ingredients. This is because oatmeal can be used to soak up excess oil, to exfoliate the skin and to deliver moisture to the skin on your face. There are several homemade facial recipes to select from. Most of them are very easy to make and take only a few minutes to stir up. If you like the idea of homemade oatmeal facials, continue reading to get to know some recipes that you can put to use!

A tablespoon of oatmeal powder, a single egg white, and a few drops of lemon oil are what you need for this first recipe. Most natural or homeopathic stores carry lemon oil or you can look for it in the organic section of your grocery store. Grind some of the oatmeal you have on hand to make your own oatmeal powder. Don't use the instant kind, though. Because you're using egg in this mixture, it's important to mix the ingredients together thoroughly and completely. Be careful to avoid your eyes as you spread the mixture on your face. Allow mask to dry completely, which should take about twenty minutes. After it's dried, wash off with water and a soft washcloth.

Daub the mixture all over your face with your fingers. Take care to avoid your eyes and the area around them as this skin is very sensitive even to natural ingredients. Keep this paste on your face for around fifteen minutes, until it begins to dry out. Put clean and warm water to use for washing the paste off your face. If you have a surplus, store it in the fridge for tomorrow (of course, don't store it in there for longer than a day). This blend is gentle enough that you can use it every day if you wish to.

The next method involves cooked oats and plain yogurt. Mash the cooked oats as you stir the ingredients together. The oats should be broken down thoroughly prior to application. If your mixture is too thick it can be thinned with more yogurt or a little bit of milk. Spread onto skin just as you would a cream taking care to avoid your eyes and let sit. Once this mask dries rinse it with warm water. Follow his procedure with your regular moisturizer for best results.

Now simply apply this mixture onto face and neck areas avoiding the area around the eyes. This should sit for ten minutes and then be rinsed off with warm water.

These are all recipes that you can make using ingredients that you probably already have in your house. Making your own facials will save you money while giving you beautiful skin. If you can get the same results in the comfort of your home, why spend extra money at a spa?

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