Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get What you Want In A Dirty T-Shirt

By Bob Ladd

Here's a scenario for you dear readers: You walk into a bar, sidle up to the bar, and order a drink. While waiting for your drink, you catch sight of a fairly attractive member of the opposite sex sitting with a group of people not too far away. You look that person over, as you are wont to do to attractive people and you notice their t-shirt which says something about some video game you're not too familiar with. Common ground is lost, and your eyes find somewhere else to go.

What could have made this situation different? If we look at it one more time and change one small detail, we could have drastically different results. What would happen if while you scanned the crowd and stopped at that attractive young person, you saw that they were wearing a dirty t-shirt with a dirty little joke on it that made your flush with excitement? You might have gone over and introduced yourself, right?

The reason for this is because everyone has one thing in common for certain, and that thing is our attraction to one another. Everyone wants attention and no one feels like they get it enough. If you make a connection through this one common denominator, then you could find yourself sharing that commonality in greater depth later in the evening. When you wear a dirty t-shirt, you are broadcasting to everyone that you're not afraid to talk about what makes everyone so nervous, and that makes you different.

It makes me sad to see our mutual attractions have such an aura of fear and trepidation associated with them. Even today with all of our liberal views of relationships, we can't bring ourselves to talk about it openly. It is still considered "taboo" and secret for us to share our thoughts on the subject too openly. That's why the subversiveness of a dirty t-shirt gets the job done.

Try a little experiment if you don't believe me. Wear whatever you want to the bar or club one evening this week. Carouse as you normally would, but be very crass and outlandish with your conversation. You'll find yourself snubbed more often then not. The next time you go out, wear a dirty t-shirt and do the exact same thing. People will be far more receptive to your crude conversation because the dirty t-shirt draws people who are interested out from those who aren't. Like minds make for like conversations, and I'm quite sure you'll like where these conversations lead to.

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