Saturday, October 1, 2011

Getting Started, Getting Things Done

By Sue Crundle

Did you achieve all the things you had hoped for in the last year? Hope you're not thrashing yourself up about uncompleted projects. As Emerson announced so well, "Finish each day and be done with it. You've done what you can Tomorrow is a new day"

Let's take the same view and change "finish each day" to "finish last year and be done with it." We currently have a fresh year, a fresh start, a fresh slate. View the New Year as a new box of crayons. We have got the capability to color it anyway we'd like.

Are you individual who has made New Year's Resolutions in the past? May I recommend you make NONE this year? According to the Farmer's Almanac, 88% of people try for New Year's Resolutions, yet only 20% keep them. The 2 most well liked resolutions revolve around losing pounds and getting organised .

There are issues with New Year's Resolutions. Often , they're made at a holiday gathering and haven't been well thought out. Sometimes we have had a drink or 2 and write down something so stupid we have got a slim chance of finishing the task. By Super Bowl Sun. we hardly remember what the resolutions were. No chance of success here.

This year instead of New Year's Resolutions, think of "Goal-KEEPING." What do I mean? Let's commit to a small set of S.M.A.R.T. Goals with benchmark progress points on the way and look forward to benefits as we meet those.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are: Explicit, Quantifiable, Action-oriented, Reasonable, Timely

New Year's Promise ""I'm going to get organised in the New Year."

S.M.A.R.T. Goal ""By Feb 28, I'm enjoying my cleared-out space in my bedroom that I have turned into a serene retreat."

Do you see the difference? One is just some nebulous idea to get organised, while the other is highly specific, simply measured and reasonable to accomplish in 8 weeks with some action required.

What in your life are you prepared to clear?

-Too many things?

-Too many calendar tasks?

-Too many miserable people in your world?

This year:

1. Sit down in a quiet spot. Find 15 golden minutes. Write out a Perfect Scene for the next year. How would you like the year to unfold for you, how would you like your house to feel, the people you interact with, your daily life. Create the Best Picture and commit it to paper.

2. Next break the paragraph into parts and write a S.M.A.R.T. Goal for each area from your Dream Scene.

3. Think of little rewards for yourself when you accomplish a goal. Just like when we were youngsters, we still prosper on rewards and awareness for work done well.

Start with little steps, so as to build success and momentum. If this is your year to de-clutter and get organised, don't begin with ripping apart a three-car garage. Begin with the automobile glove box or the trunk.

Letting go of what is not serving us can be really remedial and liberating. We must continue to ask ourselves the hard questions, "Is this item still serving me? Is it something I need and love? Is there anyone else who could use it more than I?" By letting go and lightening up, we'll step lighter through the New Year.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." "Lao Tsu

Where will you START?

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