Monday, September 26, 2011

Home Safety in Seconds

By Carl A. Long

Safety. It is your number one priority for your family and your home. The best way to achieve this end is by installing an alarm system in your home. This is the most trusted way to keep your most treasured possessions safe. Once you have the alarm installed, there are a few other steps you can take to help keep your home secure.

Some of the simplest advice is to lock your doors. Many people do this out of habit, but many people do not. Some people either think that their area is safe, or that they will be back soon. Most burglars are in and out of a home in ten minutes or less. However, just locking your door will deter most people from breaking into a home. Be sure you have a dead bolt on all your entry doors. A regular entry lock is not enough to keep most people out. It can easily be kicked in or manipulated to open. A dead bolt is much more secure. A lock on all windows is also important, especially for windows that are low to the ground. If you find yourself forgetting to lock your doors, put a sticky note on the door as a reminder. Once you get in the habit of locking the door, you'll be able to take the note down.

When you lock your door, you think that will help to keep people out, but what happens when other people have a key? If you've handed your key out to others, then you have a problem. When you give your key to the neighbor to keep an eye on your house, or the kid down the street to take care of your pets while you are away, you are giving away access to your home. Even if you got the key back, you do not know whether or not they made a copy of it. Be sure to only gives your key out to people you completely trust, or better yet, simply don't give it out at all. Also, don't leave an extra key outside hidden under a rock or other hiding place. Most people know about these types of things and will be the first place they look for a key.

Another easy thing you can do is to install outdoor lighting. A lighted area is a big deterrent to many thieves. Try to illuminate your entire property, including low window and all entry doors. Don't forget to also have lights on and around your garage. You have two choices for lighting; you can either have lighting that stays on when you turn it on or lighting that is triggered by a motion detector. Both are good choices.

Facebook and Twitter are an important part of many people's lives. It is also a great way to stay connected to friends and family. However, many people share too much information on these sites. Remember, anyone can see what you post. If you are going on vacation, don't tell the whole world. Try to wait until you return from your trip, and then post some pictures and let everyone know the trip was wonderful. Try to never post any personal information that you do not want the whole world to know. By just waiting until you return from your trip, you can still share your adventure, yet keep your home safe too.

If you are concerned about your family and your home's safety, the first thing you must do is to install a good alarm system. This is the best way to keep unwanted people out of your home and give you the peace of mind you need. After you have your alarm installed, there are a few other small things you can do that will make a big difference. Get in the habit of locking your doors and turning your outdoor lighting on. Also, unless absolutely necessary, try not to hand out keys to your house to anyone, other than trusted friends and family. The fewer people who have access to your home the better. By using your alarm along with a few simple precautions, you will ensure the safety of your home.

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