Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obstacles to Better Fitness and How You can get Past Them

By Bojen Makhob

Many people want to improve their level of fitness, but find that when they start an exercise program they run into one or more obstacles. While these can come in many forms, they all prevent you from making progress. Rather than giving up on your fitness goals, wouldn't you prefer to find a way to deal with them? Here are some ways you can do just that and continue on your way to a healthier, fitter future.

Many people blame a lack of time for not beginning or sticking with an exercise routine. Between work and family responsibilities, it can be hard to find the time to go to the gym, jog or take an exercise class. If you look at your schedule, though, you may find that you aren't making the most of your time. There is a study that shows that the average person in the U.S. watches five hours of television every day. If that number is cut in half, think of the extra time gained that can be used for fitness related activities. People also waste time playing computer games, making trivial phone calls, and text messaging. You will have more time for exercise if you can cut back on unproductive activities.

Is an illness, injury, or some long term health challenge making it difficult for you to participate in a fitness program? There is a wide variety of types of exercises to choose from so you should be able to find a way around any physical limitations. Even people who have no use of their legs, for example, can do exercises for their upper bodies.

Because many people have unrealistic expectations from their workout routine, if they don't see immediate results, they quit. Improving your health and fitness will not happen over night. It will take longer than you may expect to reach your goal, whether that's to lose a certain number of pounds or to build muscle.

Yet, you'll still reach your goals sooner by exercising than by not exercising! Take a "go with the flow" kind of attitude with your fitness program rather than expecting dramatic results in a short time.

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