Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Benefits of Online Training

By Patrick Holloway

Many companies and individuals are realizing the benefits of online training courses. These training courses can cover a wide variety of topics. For example, a student can take an excel course, in order to qualify for and transition into a wide variety of career positions. Leaders can also take managed training courses as well. It's always a great idea for leaders in middle and in upper management to brush up on their skills training.

Processes change all of the time. The smart leaders will take training courses to stay ahead of the curve, and to be able to lead the employees under their charge.

Here are some other very good reasons as to why taking an online training course or sponsoring an online training course is beneficial for companies:

- Online training can be conducted anywhere there is internet service: Employees might fear that if they have to make time to attend a training course such as an Excel course, they won't have time to take care of their responsibilities. They fear that they won't be able to keep up with their responsibilities at work, and they fear that they have too many responsibilities in their personal life. However, when they engage in online courses, they can take these courses whenever they have the time and an internet connection. Not only can these courses be taken on one's break, but they can be taken at home, or even at a coffee shop!

- Online training is self paced: There is no pressure to keep up with a classroom when one takes an online training course, such as an Excel course. They get to learn at their own pace, which is important. The key to learning a new skill is retention. It does a student no good to participate in a course if they can't retain the information. Since different people retain information and learn at different paces, these online training courses are perfect for their needs.

- Online training is cost efficient: When a company sponsors an online training course such as an Excel course, it's cheaper to take these online. When students attend a training course at a brick and mortar location, the student will be charged for other fees, such as the fees for the upkeep of the building, and instructor fees.

- Online training helps to advance employee skills: When a company invest in the training of its employees, the company ultimately invest in itself. This is true for employees who might need an Excel course, and this is true for leaders who might need managed training services.

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