Sunday, October 23, 2011

Transcendental Meditation(II)

By Elkin Arriero

2. Consciously try and relax all of the muscles in our body, head, back, trunk, arms, hands, legs and feet.

3. Once reached this state of serenity, quietness and overall well being, we try to make the mind go blank. If any thought presented to us, we don't fight against that. The goal is to stay as much time as practical in vacuum state.

4. To prevent invading us thoughts of any type in the transcendental meditation employing a mantra nevertheless , as the mantra is a Sanskrit word that gives us a person prepared and we started in transcendental meditation, we can use for this exercise an especially potent mantra, "OM", the holy syllable of Hinduism and Buddhism.

5. At all times while we try to keep mind blank use the chant.

6. It is advisable to do these exercises for 5 minutes and work up the amount of time until performed for 20 minutes each day.

7. It's also vital to prepare the room where you made your meditation handily, soft lighting and quiet.

8. This technique can be practiced at any point, although it is best done at night before bed, and early morning. Additionally it is advised that at the time you are feeling knackered physically or psychologically. AtreveteAVivir

9. Remember "practice makes master ", if you perform these steps or other methods of meditation, you see peace in your life, remember not expect immediate results "meditation takes time."

With daily practice of Transcendental Meditation achieve control our own thoughts, get a strong willpower , in addition to intellectual power, calmness, balance physical, mental and spiritual

According to the guidance of Maharishi if began continues with the transcendental meditation to reach higher states of consciousness. He claimed there are three levels of consciousness normal: walking, sleeping and dreaming. After these 3 levels, there are more states of consciousness, for example cosmic consciousness. On reaching cosmic consciousness the individual is able to be on a conscious level once and for all. When you purchase this state, is really content.(Ley de Atraccion)

Transcendental meditation is only one of many meditation methods that are presently available for people interested in this practice; you can try various types of meditation to find out which one gives you better results.

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