Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Success Options - 3 Vital Factors

By Margarita Elena Rogers

In general, success can be influenced by a variety of factors. However, your success options, will almost always, depend on your skill at selecting the precise success strategies. Here, I mean, you either have the option of doing this or that Your selection, will define your success.

So many people, spend literally years, in trying to analyze where they went wrong. If a person only observes "what is", this continual focus on the failure pattern only accentuates this pattern. To boost your success options, you must eliminate this habit as speedily as you can.

To give an example, if you are always asking "Why isn't my contribution valued in a group? Is it that I don't have any charisma at all? Is it possible that I am so insignificant? Why does my boss always give me the dirty work? Is it because, in point of fact, he doesn't truly like me? Is it his intention to kick me out? Or does he begrudge my expertise, and wants to keep me in my place?" You see, by doing that, you are merely, attatching yourself to that experience. Even observations like "I dont merit this at all" do the same

Another undoubtably vital factor in choosing your success options, is to claim responsiblity for your circumstances, i.e. your creations. It is very distressing, but also, very liberating, to take this, often, painful, step. This chops the bottom off any "It's all his fault," mind-set. The notion, that "If he were only better. this would not happen to me" is a huge trap. Your ability for success, cannot ever, be based on the concept of controlling or blaming others.

In your success options, you have to reject complaining. Complaining about your missed opportunities, prevents an improvement in your circumstances. Many, will say that it is not possible to have control over your circumstances. It is possible, but if you attempt to take action to change your circumstances, when you are overcome by a negative emotion, such as complaining, you will never achieve any positive results. Complaining is like poison, it seeps in and immerses your life, like venom.

To conclude, you will observe your circumstances changing, if you remind yourself frequently, not to over-analyze and focus on your failures, take total responsibiltiy for what is happening to you, and make a concerted effort to eliminate complaining from your life. Bydoing this, you will discover the blossoming of new and better circumstances.

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