Friday, October 21, 2011

The Way To Effectively Protect Your Business From Theft

By Gryan L Gruckner

I have and manage a convenience store where among the leading concerns in my shop is security. As I am nowhere near a fan of deadly firearms, I preferred considering non-lethal weapons rather than a life-threatening gun.

When I started considering non-lethal weapons for my business, I had a couple of options in mind: stun guns and handheld Tasers. Both are easy to use and would not induce virtually any lasting damage to my assailant. They can bring about electric shock alike for several minutes only, that should give me plenty of time to sound the alarm system.

One of the choices of non-lethal weapons, I personally seen the Taser C2 to be more appropriate for my need over the others. The deciding factor had to be that a Taser offers close-distance plus long-range defense.

Even if I were standing at the rear of the counter, I wouldn't have to reach out so as to disable the crook. A Taser can release 15-foot wires that are linked to a set of probes and then generate powerful electrical current that could impede any criminal from getting any closer.

On the other hand, if he were simply standing alongside me, I can simply prod my self-defense Taser against his body and electrocute him right away.

Another thing that I discovered very helpful with these kinds of non-lethal weapons in particular is that they use electro-muscular disruption technology. High electrical voltage is employed to override the direct muscle control of the nervous system. Because of this, Tasers can take down even the most determined crook.

The Taser C2 that I obtained delivers a 30-second energy burst. Furthermore, it includes a lifetime replacement guarantee and also comes with a complete instruction guide book.

Prior to trying it out for the first time, I needed to activate it first. By doing this, I allowed the manufacturers to do a background check on me for tracking uses in order to make sure that I will be making use of it responsibly.

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