Monday, November 28, 2011

"Awakening the Giant Interior, Anthony Robbins" (II)

By Elkin Arriero

Robbins also says that to gain our dreams and goals in life must change our existing sentiments and values ?? and focus us on beliefs and values ?? that help us become the person we would like to be (more successful, more loving, happier, etc ...) to reach this change presents us a technique that's called NAC (Neuro - Conditional associativity). The NAC is based upon the physical an undeniable fact the human brain has a tendency to find anything that gives pleasure and avoid what causes us pain. Then, since the brain has this trend, if we consciously associate pleasure with incredible things we have or achieve and agony to the stuff we need to avoid, we will be programmed to accomplish the things we desire. That is what NAC, auto-conditioned.

One of the most educational chapters in the book is 8, which deals with the questions used as a potent tool. To think and act different the people need to ask a collection of questions to help you stay focused on a positive mental perspective all of the time. As an example, if you're faced with a new professional challenge you should ask yourself continuing : What is exciting about this new challenge, What should I do to make the ideal situation, What I can do to enjoy the method whiles waiting for the ideal situation ?, among others.

The second part of the book, "Taking Control" is focused on issues e. G the evaluation of convictions, values ?? and rules that have become the guide of your behaviours and actions all though life and color your identity. (Ley de Atraccion)

In the last part the author gives us one or two messages, which can on occasion be summarized as the way to reach success in life:

- Live life entirely while you are alive, take care of yourself and your friends.

- Learn from your mistakes, find your faults and eliminate them, but don't chase perfection, just trying hard to be a good human.

- Take some time to line up an accomplished system that enables you to win the game of life.

- Life is a balance that's to give and receive, taking under consideration your interests, but also devotes time to make a contribution to the security of others.

- And finally, we should not take life so soberly, as we lose the spontaneity and the opportunity to enjoy it as a kid. AtreveteAVivir

It's your decision to embark you on the journey of reading this book , however , we can say in its defense the publication has very helpful tools to help to make the life you want and find your own destiny.

"The only thing I have command over our inner world is."

Anthony Robbins.

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