Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Top Tips For Anger Management And Emotional Health

By Dr Joe James

The emotion of anger is a normal one which is experienced by all individuals. The problem occurs when you are unable to tame your temper and end up feeling helpless in situations that trigger stress and strain. The anger management techniques can assist in the prevention of negative outcomes.

There are methods for expressing the emotion of feeling angry constructively. Your temper may be out of control when you find yourself exploding and reacting intensely to simple situations. One needs to learn to cope when experiencing emotions that are beyond your control for the protection of yourself and others.

To protect yourself and others from escalating emotion means the practice of a number of techniques. This does not mean that you must never feel angry again but rather that the emotion is handled and expressed in a constructive manner. This is essential in decreasing the negative effects on your health due to increased tension.

One first needs to consider removing themselves from a situation which may provoke a temper. The action of walking away from a potential outburst could prevent disastrous results. The action of distancing oneself from a heated event allows maintenance of emotion and organized thoughts for logical solutions.

A proven technique for gaining self control is to engage in intense physical activity and this means walking around the block, going to the gym or even taking the dog for a long run. Increased exercise contributes to the production of feel good hormones which can assist individuals in achieving a relaxed state. Not only is it advantageous to release pent up aggression through exercise but it also removes one from the activity which may be causing considerable tension.

An emotional response will often trigger a reciprocal reaction in others which simply intensifies what you may be feeling. Try to collect your thoughts before you respond to someone in order to avoid the tension and strain of an unpredictable situation. Arguments can simply result in a back and forth between individuals with no real solution.

Later once you have achieved a balanced state, go back to those you reacted harshly to and explain why you felt so strongly and reacted with intensity. This provides a cathartic release for many individuals instead of having to deal with pent up emotions. Avoid the detrimental effects on your health and gain control over your life with anger management techniques.

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