Friday, April 27, 2012

The Basics of Cocaine Addiction

By Alice Tanston

No one likes to come to the realization that their loved one has a cocaine addiction. Acknowledging that they could potentially have an issue is the first step. The next step is to know about the warning signs and where to go to help them. Cocaine gained its popularity in dance clubs and no spans across every subculture. There is a decision to be made whether or not to use, but there are many that choose yes. Seeking help at places like Milestones Ranch Malibu can help those with this issue.

Throughout our daily lives, we tend to not notice the warning signs due to being busy or our loved ones with the problem not being around often. Becoming conscious of these warning signs will more than likely save their life. You have taken the first step into helping your addicted loved one.

Knowing the signs of Cocaine use:

There are several warning signs that your loved one is addicted to cocaine. They stop caring about the things that were important in their lives such as their jobs, their families, education, hobbies, and the like. They may lose weight and noticeably eat way less than they normally would. When on the drug, they may be far more high strung than usual. They have incredible amounts of energy when high on cocaine.

Symptoms and Effects of Cocaine Use and Addiction:

The usage of cocaine, especially in the long term, negatively impacts the central nervous system. The central nervous system directly affects mental stability. The addict will find the usage of the drugs to be beneficial because they feel that they feel better than they ever have. Despite the energy and happiness, the damages greatly outweigh the benefits. There are delusions of grandeur that go by the name cocainomania. They also get very physically ill with vertigo, subsequent nausea and vomiting, emotional distress, and tremors.

What causes cocaine addiction?

We all have very different lives, so the reasoning could vary. Some may have issues from their childhood that they may not have dealt with, yet. Some may simply be into drugs and they figured they would give it a shot. Things tend to be very circumstantial, but if there was a traumatic event in their lives then that may a key influence. Mental illness and hard times tend to influence the need to self-medicate. This leads them to needing the drug so that they can feel the way they do on drugs as often as they can. As they continue to use the drugs, they need to up the dosage more and more. Their need gets greater.

Are there any withdrawal symptoms?

It is commonly mistaken that there are NO withdrawal symptoms. Cocaine is not like heroin, but there is certainly a withdrawal from stopping the drug. They become aggressive and short fused. They need to find a way to get to the drug as soon as possible. Once they come down from the high, they crash. This is when they become depressed through deflation of their energy.

Seeking treatment:

Milestones Ranch Malibu helps all kind of addicts get through the worst part of their addictions and even offer free "tune ups" to those that have successfully completed their program.

About the Author:

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