Saturday, April 28, 2012

Common Symptoms Of Stress And How They Make You Feel

By Judy Miller

They are part of the way we are wired and necessary to protect us An example of stress is, if you are driving and another car suddenly pulls out in from of you, stress is understandable and necessary to help you react faster Knowing the symptoms of stress is helpful, so this article is going to look at the common ones

Sometimes you when you let stress have an impact on your eating habits you could gain or lose weight Feeling tense and not eating could mean that you are missing out on much needed nutrients and you could also lose weight Stress can also cause the development of eating disorders which can cause weight loss in the wrong way Weight gain from over eating or eating the wrong kinds of food is more common than anything This is often referred to as emotional eating since you are ultimately using food to feel better emotionally This can cause obesity Be aware of your eating habits especially when you are stressed and take the necessary steps to keeping it under control

Impulse buying is another means for dealing with stress often referred to as "retail therapy" This can also mean gambling or extensive shopping sprees despite a less than normal influx of cash Whatever is stressing you out could be forgotten for awhile if you used shopping as a diversion The inability to pay your bills or the mounting debt from shopping could lead to more stress So be careful that you are watching your spending habits closely and don't let them get out of control

While some people respond to stress by acting in an aggressive manner, others internalize it and experience depression This can cause a person to feel worse feelings of hopelessness or despair You may need some help to turn things around if they get out of hand One of the serious symptoms of stress is depression

You have many options for maintaining and treating the stressors we've discussed here just as there are many symptoms of stress Change your situation to meet your stress reduction needs rather than simply trying to treat the symptoms Find the cause, find the cure

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