Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Very Powerful Weapon In Business Is Self Improvement

By Tim Belthastoni

It is a smart business decision to use self improvement for the purpose of creating a more successful business. You will see a clear trend among the successful business executives and entrepreneurs that you might read about. They consistently work to improve their mental, psychological and emotional performance. That they are high performers in every aspect is not an accident, but happened through planning. We encourage you to do the same. Keep in mind that this process can be involved. This has the potential to be a life long discovery for you.

That they are high performers in every aspect is not an accident, but happened through planning. We want to encourage you to do the same. Be aware that this can be an involved process. It could turn out to be a life long discovery for you.

Being afraid to fail at something and that even if you work hard at something it won't work out is a totally normal emotion. There have even been studies done on people like experienced combat soldiers that show they have always felt high levels of fear. But the difference was they were able to function with their great fears. It boils down to focus and finding the discipline to use that focus on the things that are important. What usually happens with the inexperienced IMers is that their fear keeps them from doing anything at all. Typically they end up not doing even a little bit of work because it's easier to do nothing than to actually face fear. If you are afraid to fail try to remember that everybody in business makes mistakes and sometimes fails to reach their objectives. You need to figure out how to always be moving forward and trying new things. Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of learning to be successful in business concerns your feelings about your decisions. The majority of people are on their own in online marketing and it can find it difficult to make decisions. Have in what you do and the daily decisions you have to make. Accept that you will sometimes make the wrong decision, and then just learn to roll with it when it happens. You will recover from it even if it means you have to start all over again. You will gain more confidence in time as your comfort levels start to rise.

We would like to report that fortunately do we do make an effort to learn. IHowever, during this time you could lose customers, potential JV partners, clients and so on. Make a habit of getting all the facts available and make sure you have them all before sending off an appropriate email if you choose to do so. Understand what you are doing, why you are doing it and the possible consequences of your action.

It can be very difficult keep ourselves focused on the positive. It is a learned behavior to have a negative mindset. Have you noticed if children are naturally negative? Living in their small worlds, they are naturally happy beings. The variety of ways we learned to be negative isn't what is important. Being aware of what you think all the time is more important. If negative thinking seems to be predominate for you, it is now time to change that. For each negative thought you might have, you can equally find a positive one. It is just a matter of how you view it which is also a learned behavior.

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