Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Get Rid of Your Current Morning Habits And Use These Instead

By Herb Denim

Everyday, probably the most important part of your day is actually the very beginning, getting it started. If you doubt this, just think about that last time you woke up and everything did not go your way. It's one of those things where the rest of the day falls apart and you can't seem to get momentum going your way. But there are many things, here are three, that you can do to help get your day off to an entirely better start than you could imagine.

1. Sleep In Luxury

What you put on your bed really matters when you wake up in the morning. You may not agree but that's only because you've never woken up in something that is amazing. This could be something as simple as a silk fitted sheet only or an entire set that is all in silk. When you wake up and make your first conscious move, you'll immediately smile and feel great.

2. Add Some Exercise

This can be tough at first and while you'll not really enjoy going to the gym, you'll love it afterward. The way a great morning workout makes your body feel is second to nothing and it really sets the day up for feeling good and having good things come your way.

And to get this feeling and all the benefits, you don't have to have a really long workout much at all. A great workout only has to be up to 30 minutes and intense enough to produce this.

3. Write About What's Going On

Until you really get into journalling, you can't imagine how positively it can affect you. There is something completely therapeutic about getting your thoughts out of your head, it really does create mental space. This will help you work things out as well as help you get ideas and just make you feel all around a lot better.

Try each of these three things and you'll find that all of your mornings will start off better. Try it if you don't believe me.

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