Friday, April 13, 2012

Tapping - 3 Reasons to Learn How

By Angela Sapitalie

There is a method of psychological acupressure that's called Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT. It's commonly known as Tapping. The method works by moving the energy of your emotions, which often get stuck in your body. The way emotions are moved is via tapping with your fingertips on specific acupressure or acupuncture points. When you tap these points while feeling an upsetting emotion, the emotion changes. You release the upsetting emotion and it is replaced by a more pleasant emotion - usually peace, understanding, clarity, calm. Are there other reasons to learn how to do EFT? Here are three big reasons you might want to learn to do EFT yourself.

First, you can become more successful. If you have a tool that can take you from feeling fearful to feeling confident, it can make a big difference in your success. And that's the power of Tapping.

When you work for yourself, how much you get done each day can directly affect how much money you make. If you are in a bad mood or if you procrastinate, you're losing money. What would it be like to have a tool you could use to quickly go from feeling stuck to feeling energetic and focused?

Second, you can become a happier person. Your emotional state can be a habit, and you can get into the habit of feeling down, negative or overwhelmed. The emotions that coincide with those states can become habits too. When you know how to change your emotional state, you can change your life.

Can you imagine how your life would be different if you could feel happier more of the time? To change your mood from upset to feeling fine? This is the power of EFT, or Tapping. Learning EFT can give you the gift of greater happiness.

Save you Money. Finally, learning to tap can save you money. Have you ever spent money going to a therapist, counselor, coach or mentor? If you have, you know that these appointments can be quite expensive. They can also be quite effective in helping you become happier and to change your life.

When you've learned to tap, you become your own coach or mentor. You've got the power, in your own fingertips, of transforming your emotions, your mental state and your life.

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