Monday, April 8, 2013

How to Build Self Confidence With Affirmations

By Margaret R. Ferguson

Self-confidence is a very important thing a public speaker should gain yet many struggle to obtain it. If one does not have enough confidence in him self and takes on the stage to speak in front of many people, tendencies are he might not have the strength to even start his speech, or mess it all up on the way and be embarrassed vowing not to speak in public ever again. It is a good thing self-confidence can be learned and built on by anybody, especially by those who really have the sincere desire to come out from their shell and shine. It's just that attaining self-confidence does not have a short cut. It is a matter of long preparation, practice, and good mind setting.

The first step in achieving such self-efficacy is changing the way you think. Start thinking positively. People who have a low self-confidence are the ones who think "low" of themselves. Control your views about yourself and accentuate the positive. Being optimistic would likewise help. Remember, whatever you perceived yourself to be, it will come to life. If you think of yourself as a very timid and shy person, then you will be one. If you are awfully afraid to commit mistakes, then you will definitely make a ton of them. Try foreseeing yourself appropriately dressed up, comfortably standing behind a lectern with a microphone properly held in your hand, uttering the words correctly within the right tone and volume of voice, and executing significant gestures with your other hand in front of a crowd that is so attentive, convinced, and satisfied. You are the master of your thoughts, steer it in a way that would help you be confident and successful.

Join a gym and start working out, start jogging, take up a new sport (extreme sports, martial arts etc.). Join some interesting classes (dance, cooking etc.), join Toastmasters, start learning a new language, acquire some new skills. Start traveling more (traveling alone will extremely improve your self-confidence).The richer your life is, the more confident you feel. The more you experience, the bigger your comfort zone is. And that means that you're getting more confident with every new experience. Take action - the world is waiting for you!

Unsure where to begin? Just pretend that you are a crazy groupie (your number-one fan) who is so ridiculously in love with you that they think that everything you do is awesome. Then start writing all the good things down with that completely biased point of view. The positive should start to flow soon enough.Example affirmations from my past.But I cannot expect you to actually do this if I don't lead the way can I? So I dug through my old notebooks to find some of the early affirmations I wrote. Here are some samples,I am a sexy, smart, and funny man.I give myself permission to be the person I want to be.I am cool, calm, and confident. I am always in control.I am so talented that I can do ANYTHING I want to.I deserve great relationships and fantastic friends.My life is great!

After you have undergone these steps, you should be ready to commit yourself to success. Obligate your self that you will confidently stand out there and deliver your speech like there is no tomorrow. Do this with willingness. Forcing your self to commit will not help. To be more exciting, try orally promising to yourself in front of the mirror that you will do your part with the best of your abilities. Good luck!

Here are 5 self-confidence tips for your inner world.Focus on what you want to do. Slow down and focus on things that are of real importance to you. We have a tendency to think we are important if we are multi-tasking today. We rush from one task to the next. It is common sense that this makes us do things half-heartedly. The more things you are up to the less time you have for each one of them. This might make you good at producing quantity, but it is at the expense of quality. This is a self-confidence killer, since you know you are not doing the tasks as good as you can do. When you have less things to do and you have the time to do them properly your self-confidence will increase.

This technique needs no special knowledge, no costly self help programs or special device. All this technique calls for is your willingness to grow your confidence and an open mind. What is this technique that I speak of? It is self affirmations.What is a self affirmation, you ask? It is simply a positive statement that you say to yourself on a regular basis. WHAT? O.K. don't get all excited. This really does work. Let me explain how.

When we lack self confidence, we tend to talk badly about ourselves or put ourselves down. Not necessarily to those around us, though sometimes we do. What I'm talking about is when you are all alone and you say things to yourself like, you'll never get that job, there are so many others more qualified than you, or who would ever date me, I'm a fat mess.

Create something in stillness. When you spend time alone and in stillness you feed your creative vein. Why do you think many poets, artists, authors, musicians spend time alone? Because the loneliness gives them the chance to create from the inside. Why do you think people are destroying the world today? Because they are in such a hurry all the time so they dont see the beauty of the world. When you calm down and walk slowly all the beauty of the world will reveal itself to you.

Give of Yourself.Step three - find ways to use your increasing self confidence to help others. In the process of moving forward, learning how to build self confidence, getting to know yourself, and gaining more self control it is natural to start looking for ways to help others - to give back.The need to help others fulfills a spiritual need which you have in common with everyone - the desire for a sense of purpose. This will also increase how you appreciate yourself and your value.Think about this. Many people are insecure and withdraw from others, which is nothing less than self rejection. Make a contribution to those around you, think beyond yourself, your insecurities and hardships, and thereby find your purpose.If you take the time to practice these simple steps, you will grow. You should become the best you can be - the person who was always inside you, yearning to be released. Now, freed from being restricted by a lack of knowledge and having developed self confidence, the true magnificent you will emerge.Have a great self confident life, and please remember, it is most important issue that you never give up and do what it takes to learn how to build self confidence.

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