Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Overcome Fear of Flying Permanently

By Adrian M. Felton

Flying is one of the most common means of transportation for you to get from one destination to the next. However, there are some who are so overcome with the fear of flying that they simply to afraid to fly and will seek alternative methods of transportation regardless of the travel time. This fear of flying is often referred to as aviophobia.Compared to driving accidents, accidents on air are few and far between. This doesn't mean that they don't happen at all but statistics show that in-air collisions are rare.

Learn the Symptoms.This fear can manifest in numerous ways. To find the best treatment for your condition, you must know the common symptoms you may feel when experiencing an anxiety attack because of the object of your fear. The symptoms you will experience may vary. Sometimes you will experience a symptom you did not experience from your previous episode.

Overcoming Your Fear of Flying.Like it was mentioned above, there are ways for you to get over your fear of flying. Here are some steps that are worth practicing so you can fly everywhere without having to go through all the symptoms of aviophobia.Know the Facts - Find out the facts or statistics about accidents happening on air and compare them to the statistics when it comes to driving accidents. You are sure to find that the odds of having an on-air collision is slim compared to that of driving accidents.

Know the Effects of Flying - In order for you to cure yourself of your fear of flying it is best that you find out what should you expect when you fly. This includes the make and model of the plane that you will be riding, its speed, what side effects you are supposed to feel during take off and landing and how long it will take you to reach your destination.Meditate - If your fear of flying is still there after doing research on the first two steps, you should learn the art of meditation. When boarding a plane, think of things that are pleasant to you so you can keep your mind off the fact that you will be flying. You can practice breathing exercises, read a book or hum a tune. Anything that can help you focus on something else.

Bring Medications Prescribed by Your Doctor - One way to combat your anxiety attacks during flying is to take anti-anxiety medication that is prescribed by your doctor. This is a far better option compared to having to intoxicate yourself prior to boarding or having to take medication that is not recommended by your physician.Face Your Fear - Your fear of flying can be remedied by facing it head on. Flying lessons can come in handy to acclimatize you on air. With an instructor guiding you through flying, you will learn that there is nothing to fear from especially when flying safe.

Accept Risks - Regardless of how much you prepare yourself from any eventuality, you will never really know when accident will strike. The same rule applies when flying on a plane. By accepting the fact that risks are always involved in everything that we do, you will be calmer and more accepting of the fact that your fear of flying can be remedied.It's estimated that approximately 50% of the population is afraid to fly.Fear is a problem. It fuels all types of anxiety disorders, and is usually linked to an unpleasant experience, or the belief that an unpleasant experience will occur. This idea is based on the psychological school of thought called behaviorism, which suggests that behaviors are learned through interactions with the world around us, and shape our behavior.

When we have negative life experiences, our behavior becomes conditioned to respond through avoidance or anxiety. Either you freak out when you have to fly, or you avoid flying altogether. The more flying is paired with anxiety, the more conditioned your response becomes. In time, simply going to the airport can trigger an anxiety attack.Our beliefs also add to our anxiety.

Placement of your seat:Turbulence is often worse at the back of the cabin. When you book your flight, if at all possible, book a seat that is in the front. Additionally, choose a seat that is right before or after the exits as this can help you relax. If your fear of flying is related more to a feeling of claustrophobia book a seat at the bulkhead and on the aisle. In this way you will feel less blocked in. Sitting in the middle or in the window can make you feel squished in with no way of getting out.

Marybeth associated not being able to get out of her seat as the trigger to believing she was trapped. And if she were trapped she would panic. As you can imagine this created intense anxiety for her. She bit the bullet for a while, but finally decided she wouldn't fly anymore.The negative attributions we make about flying are rooted in our core beliefs. Here are a few related to flying:The plane will crash.I will die.I will panic.I will be trapped.I can't do this

The good news is you can change or modify these beliefs by learning to refute them in light of the truth. Challenge yourself by asking the following questions:What evidence do I have to support my belief the plane will crash? What is the worse that could happen if I panic, and how does that compare to the worst thing I've ever experienced? Do I want to upset myself? How likely is it that these bad consequences will occur? If the worst does happen, how can I handle it? The other key piece is paying attention to what you're telling yourself. Harness negative self- talk that perpetuates your fears by:Noticing how what you're telling yourself impacts your mood Not talking about your anxiety to everyone. It perpetuates it.Not listening to everyone's horror stories about flying,Other tips for the fearful flier include:Chose an isle seat if you're claustrophobic,Learn relaxation and deep breathing exercises to calm yourself,Distract yourself by reading, listening to music, or watching a movie

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