Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Krav Maga Training Classes

By Patricia E. Beeson

Krav Maga was something I had only heard about recently, when a friend of mine mentioned that he knew someone who taught it. My friend put me in touch with this guy, Raphael Yadgaroff, and we soon arranged a time to conduct an interview.One of the primary things that interests me about martial artists is the winning mentality that they often possess. Whether or not one is interested in martial arts, these positive outlooks can be applied to any area of life.

Raphael is an Instructor based in the Kent area. Periodically he holds classes and seminars in Canterbury and Whitstable, and he has also been able to travel to other areas in Kent.Raphael began his martial arts training at the age of eight by taking up Shotokan Karate for three years. When he started these trainings at the age of 16, he decided to back up the knowledge he had acquired with other martial arts. Currently, he has trained in Jui Jitsu, Nin Jitsu, Muay Thai and Chinese Freestyle Kickboxing, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Brazillian Jui Jitsu (BJJ), Shoalin Kung Fu and S.P.E.A.R. (Spontaneous, Protection, Enabling, Accelerated, Response) System.

It's Training classes provide training on a variety of fight patterns that will prove to be highly effective while fighting your enemy. The training classes give specialized training on various self defense tactics against common attack types like choke holds, arm grabs and bear hugs. It also teaches the basics of fighting, for example, identifying the vulnerable areas of the enemy and attacking that part of the enemy's body. Further training is given on competitive handling of weapons such as guns, knives and sticks.

Learning it will not only teach you how to fight, but also teach you how to finish your attacker as soon as possible, this ensures your safety when you fight the more chances of the other to get hurt.The best instructor is the one who has gained the knowledge and skills to prepare his students face any tough combats in their lives. Krav-Maga, translated as "close combat" is a combination of martial arts and street fights practiced in ancient Israel.It also teaches counter attacks as well as the use of weapons such as knives, guns and rods. A professionally trained instructor will be able to teach these disciplines to his/her students so that they become equipped with the right skills to face any tough situation in their lives.

There are several institutes across the world offering it's Training classes. A professionally run training class will have a team of qualified instructors who have been Krav-Maga certified from Security Industry Authority (SIA). The certification entitles that the person is capable of imparting the right training to the aspirants. The qualification and experience of the trainer is of foremost value considering the vulnerable nature of the course. A professionally qualified trainer can educate his/her wards about the pros and cons of different types of strikes as well as make them aware of the potential dangers that would confront them while practicing such techniques. This knowledge can be acquired only through practice and years of experience in the discipline. It's techniques are taught at different levels of hierarchy. White belt is being the lowest in the rank & black belt is being the highest in rank.

Finding the best Krav-Maga instructor is not an easy task. Check the following points before choosing your Instructor,First and foremost, you should look for the qualification of the Krav Maga instructor.This apart, you should also consider the experience of the instructor. Nowadays, you can get the best instructor who has more than 10 years of hands-on experience in Krav Maga. They may have been involved in the training or working in armed forces or special assignments like body guards for VIPs, etc. Their vast experience will prove to be an asset for the candidates.The best Krav-Maga instructor must be a black-belt level trainer, who can impart the right knowledge and skills that prepare his disciples to react under any situation in a controlled manner.

What Kept You Going During The Set Backs? With Krav Maga especially, the idea we try to teach our students has kept me going: the idea that you could have your arm broken, and if you need to keep fighting, with a broken arm, then that's the position you're in, and you don't have a choice about it. I have had knee operations. I have torn rotator cuffs. I have had bones taken out of my hip and put back into my knee. At the end of the day I think, "If I get attacked today, and I have got to protect someone I love, then I am going to have to fight like I am now". There is no point trying to take it too easy, but obviously training is still training, so you do have to be safe.At The Beginning Of Your Career, Who Were The Most Supportive People Around You At The Time? My two best friends, Ben and Alex, were the most supportive. I started Krav Maga with them, so naturally having two of your best mates do it, they were people I spent all my time with going to the classes. We kind of made each other go. I was also very good friends with the biology teacher, and seeing him in lessons, as well, made me want to go more to Krav Maga. He would say, "Come on! Come down!"

Where Does Your Drive And Passion Come From? My drive is the idea that it is something that I am good at and also that any day and at any moment, I could be fighting for my life. I don't want to be caught off guard. I am not ready to die. I love my life.Do You Believe In A Higher Power?No, not really. That is a very different question. I don't believe in a god, but the idea that something could be out there. yeah, fine, but I am not religious.Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?It's just from myself. I have always wanted to do it for me. I never wanted to do anything in my life related to my martial arts just to prove something to someone else or for someone else; I will only do it if I want to. Because I am a driven and motivated person, I have always achieved my goals. I said I would have a cage fight, and I have had one. Now I am training for another one. I will do it because I want to. People don't force me to do things that I don't want to because it is not a good mentality through which to live your life.

Is Krav Maga A Martial Art? While in some ways the moves may look familiar Krav Maga differs from Traditional Martial arts in a number of key areas.No Ritual,Many traditional martial arts are steeped in ancient traditions, ideas and concepts whose times have long passed. Ideas such has repeated bowing, kneeling, and supplication of e student have no places in the system. It is important to note that it is a modern system built on modern principals and values and as such respect for your training partner instructor and the law are still paramount.Training Focus,Training focuses on only one objective, ensuring your safety, So all training exercise, drills and games are practical and based on real world situations. There are no 'fancy' moves seen in many martial arts and the movies.Focus on Student,In many martial arts the focus is on the instructor, they must be revered and called by names such as Sensei or Sifu. But in this system the most important person in the class is the student. The instructors jobs is simple, teach the student how to protect themselves as fast as possible. The instructors is judged on one thing, how capable the students are.

Students who learn the system will also be taught on how to respond on any attack using quick combinations of counter attacks.In addition, students will also learn to maintain their awareness of their surroundings and environment to identify potential threats.Basic Krav Maga training includes a warm up session and a session to identify critical pressure points on a human body. Identifying these points is crucial because they are going to be the target for attack if you want to neutralize your opponent quickly.

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