Monday, September 28, 2009

Pedometer Information

By Henry Calhoun

With exercising becoming more popular and being done by more people, the popularity of related gadgets is also on the rise. One of the gadgets getting a lot of attention is the pedometer, which is nothing other than an inexpensive tool that tracks how far you walk in a given time frame.

A pedometer is normally about the same size as a credit card or a pager. Depending upon the model you buy, you can also have pedometers that are capable of a lot of different functions. On top of just tracking the distance walked, pedometers can also count steps and then convert that number into miles and also tell you the number of calories burned. Some pedometers are even more advanced are can even store your data for up to several weeks and that makes it possible to track progress or improvements.

Though small in size, a pedometer can be extremely large in motivation. To be able to see how far you have walked or how many steps you have taken gives you that extra bit of push to go further the next day. Those wearing one of these gadgets will find themselves searching out ways to add a few extra steps to their daily total. Whether that be taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking an extra walk around the block, it all adds up when the day's totals are viewed.

Which pedometer you choose be sure it is one to suit your needs or what it is you require it to do. Do you want to convert steps to miles or how many steps you have taken. Perhaps it is how many calories you burnt taking all those steps or all of the above. Another thing to keep in mind is that being expensive does not necessarily mean better.

It is important also to realize once you have purchased your pedometer it may take a bit of getting used to. You may have to practice a little with it, so it may get used to you as well as you used to it. It needs to know how long your stride is, the pace that you walk at, what part of your body is best to wear it on. Once these quirks are ironed out, it will be able to track your stride very accurately.

Once the pedometer is ready for use, it is then time to start setting your goals. For those that have not exercised for a long time then consulting a physician before setting up a routine is important, as well as starting off slowly. Best is to begin with a specified number of steps or distance each day and once that goal is easily reached, then you can increase those amounts and take things to the next step.

There are a variety of everyday things you can do that normally you did not think of. The first is to take the stairs versus the elevator or when you park your car do so a little further away than you normally would. Taking your sneakers with you so lunch time you can maybe take a little walk around your work building

The best way you can exercise is to put on a comfortable pair of sneakers and clip your pedometer on your shoe or waist and you are on your way. It is an inexpensive way and your pedometer can be the motivator for you in meeting the goal you set. So get your sneakers and pedometer and get walking!

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