Friday, October 2, 2009

The Secret of How to Glow Using the Martial Arts

By Al Case

I really shouldn?t be giving you this, I should save it and write a bestseller and sell it to you. But, call me Mister No Self control, I am but a blatherskite. Here is the simple secret on how to make yourself glow through the practice of the martial arts.

First things first, ask yourself what is it, actually, that you are going to make glow. Well, there is the tan tien, the center of the body, which is the energy generator, which is going to start up and that is going to cause your body to light up and glow. This will not be very noticeable, though you could make it noticeable if you wanted to, but it really doesn?t matter except as a a method of ignition.

You see, if you make the body glow, then the techniques and the discipline make you glow. You might be asking what is you, at this point. Good question, and if you have the correct answer you probably do not need to be reading this right now, and you can move to the head of the class.

Second things second, you aren?t going to glow if you are leading a life of guttersnipe quality. If you aren?t virtuous, then you aren?t going to be able to reach ignition, so you have to study what virtue is and how to make your life a virtuous one. It does not really need to be said, but a dark soul leads a dark life.

Third things third, have somebody push on your frame when you are doing the martial arts. This is called resistance training, or body resisting, and it is key to what we are going to do here. The person pushing must push lightly and so that the force travels through the body and down into the ground.

As the energy goes through the body it ignites the energy generator, and, zingo bingo, we have the glow ignite. Let me repeat, the push must be light, we aren?t building muscle bound bodies here, we are merely building peaceful, relaxed resistance. And, the body must be arranged for max resistance with least effort, which is to say that the parts of the body must be aligned so that they can course the energy without effort.

Now, here is the secret to it all. If you are using great effort, then you aren?t resisting in the proper manner. You must resist by not using the muscles as much as possible.

You are going to need someone to help you when you do this drill, and herein lies the key. You thought you were going to glow all alone, sitting in the dark and eyeballing secret scrolls without no stinking light bulb? No, you need real, live human beings, you need the human give and take for this method to work, you need humanity, and that is no secret.

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