Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Work To Build Systems

By Cody Scholberg

Many people think that you retire when you are old; they think that retiring at a young age, like thirty, is an impossible or highly improbable thing to be able to do. This is perfectly natural, for retirement to them is living off a pile of money.

This is probably the worst way to go about it. It will take you forty years to save up this kind of money, but it could take you less if you make a high salary and you lower your standard of living during retirement.

To see a better way, you must first look at how you are working. What does your work get you? Paychecks. That's it. Paychecks. You are not building anything. So, you scrimp pieces of paychecks off and hope to accumulate enough by the end of your working years that you can live until you die.

Instead, you could have been building something, like your own business, and you could retire within a few years. This does not mean that you will be rich; it means that you are free. Retirement is not living off a chunk of money, hoping that it outlives you; retirement is having an income that comes to you whether or not you are working.

So, what determines how rich you are? It is how long you do this process of building something that determines how rich you are. You can make enough to retire and have a decent life within five years, or you can work more and make enough to retire at a higher standard of living.

Really, what we are talking about is something everybody should be doing. Go to school, to go college, build assets. It is the next step after college, build assets until you are free. Then, you have your whole life to live to do whatever you please. This does not mean that you will sit around, doing nothing. This means you are free to work on what you want.

Humans naturally want to be productive, so we will not have a bunch of people doing nothing. Imagine a world where everybody is financially free to engage in work that they love, where nobody is trapped in a job they hate. Just imagine the productivity that will be when everybody works a job they love!

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