Friday, October 2, 2009

A Few Things To Look For In A Gun Safe

By Bobby Dillon

There is nothing worse than coming home from a big successful hunting trip only to find that you have no place to store and protect your hunting rifles. Everyone who owns a gun of any kind should own some kind of gun safe and that's probably why you've stumbled upon this article here today. You want to know what to look for in a gun safe, well, let me tell you.

Gun safes offer protection against all sorts of dangerous predicaments. They are often weather proof, theft proof, and fireproof. When shopping for a gun safe one of the first things you should look for is the fire proof rating. The fireproof rating will tell you just how much care was put into the gun safe as a whole. The higher the rating, the better the gun safe will be. You're going to want to balance the quality with your available budget but try your best to get as much fireproofing as possible.

Every safe has a locking mechanism on it and gun safes are no different. You have to decide what kind of lock you would like to have on your gun safe as well as what kind of lock you can afford to have on your gun safe. Some locks, like digital locks and fingerprint locks, can get pretty expensive and others aren't worth putting money into at all. Figure out the delicate balance between price and quality and you'll find a decent lock.

Most women will tell you that size matters with men and it's the same thing for gun safes. The truth is that in most cases the bigger the gun safe is the better it will be but you might not need a gigantic gun safe for your miniature handgun collection. The size of your gun safe is going to boil down to a personal preference because you have to get a safe that will match the amount of guns you own. More guns require more space, less guns can be stored in a small and compact compartment.

Gun safes aren't all about safety and protection either, they can make some really nice decorative pieces for your hunting lodge or for your firing range. You can find some really ornate gun safes out there that are decorated in bronzed deer heads and fancy golden polishes and you can find some drab gun safes that look like gym lockers. Try and get out that will fit the style of the room you'll be putting it in so that it doesn't stand out too much.

It is important to understand that gun safes come in all degrees of quality on many different levels. You want to make sure that you get the gun safe that is right for you in particular because they can get rather expensive. Weigh the positives and negatives against the gun safe selection and choose one that will give you the most bang for your buck

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