Thursday, July 7, 2011

raining Certification Programs For Phlebotomy Training & Certification

By Clifton Seawright

If you want to have an advantage, then a superb educational background and have one of the many phlebotomy training certification programs are the things you need as an aspiring phlebotomist. Though clearly there never was a law in the United States stating that a certificate is needed to be a phlebotomist, except in California and Louisiana, employers would always choose to hire only those phlebotomists that are nationally certified and have graduated from an accredited or approved phlebotomy training program. In order to have a future in phlebotomy you must attend and complete a training program and you can find a lot available for you.

The associate and bachelor's degrees that you can find available in both clinical and laboratory technology not just teach students on phlebotomy but more on the aspects of technical positions. Phlebotomy certificate programs are the usual. Unlike degrees that can take up to four years to be able to finish, it will only take you about twelve weeks to finish those certificate programs. Degrees are also more expensive than certificate programs. They are five to ten times higher and ranges from an average tuition fee of $1500 to $3000. Although it may be possible that phlebotomists who have a higher level of education may have an edge, certified phlebotomists are still in demand.

The student will be the one to decide as to what type of a bachelor certificate program he or she wants. You can include factors like location, cost, duration of the program and class schedules. They may base their programs on the personal benefit they can gain like those that are close to his home, are short to complete, and offer flexible class schedules. Moreover, students must always asked if the training certification programs are recognized nationally or by national certifying agencies, if so then it can be a great choice.

To give some examples there is the United States Department of Education and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). In order to be recognized and will have an approval of its materials and curriculum, then they must be able to meet with the standards made and finalized by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Moreover, graduates of an approved or accredited program is a qualification needed to write national certification exams. There are certifying agencies that offer the exam to phlebotomists upon graduation. These are those that were originally affiliated with some phlebotomy training programs.

A lot of different types of phlebotomy certificate programs are available. You may see some in a traditional classroom setting. Both classroom and clinical instruction are being offered by these courses. You can also find online courses. It may either offer a clinical component or help students set up an internship position to gain hands-on experience. Both cases can give students opportunity to learn a lot about human anatomy and physiology, blood collection and storage techniques, and administrative activities such as record keeping and labeling, and first aid and CPR. For those students that are part time or full time employees, online courses are best for their very hectic schedule.

Students can also choose to complete a workshop offered by the American Phlebotomy Association (APA). Most likely it will be held over a two-day period, running from 9am to 5pm each day. In addition, these workshops are exclusively fit for existing medical personnel or those with a background in biology and chemistry. Basically the things they will learn here are phlebotomy theory, including basic anatomy and physiology and blood collection techniques. Both mannequins and humans are the ones manipulated in order for the participants to practice their skills . The American Phlebotomy Association's national certifying exam preparation is also their work. After finishing the workshop then you can already be allowed to write the certification exam. Basically these workshops are made to make those persons whose dream is to be in the field of phlebotomy or phlebotomy training be successful in the end.

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