Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The effects of Stun Gun voltage to Human Body

By George Harrison

The stun gun device is a non-lethal electronic self-defense weapon that generates a high voltage power. Just even with a simple touch, it can out of action an individual for few minutes with no permanent damage or injury.

But how does a stun gun device work? Stun gun voltage affects an assailant's muscles at a pulse frequency rate which reasons the muscles to do work fast. The muscle's rapid works immediately exhaust the individual's blood sugar level as it changes to lactic acid. The voltages basically put off the body from generate energy for the muscles, expos the assailant too powerless to function.

Stun gun voltages typically range from 100,000 to 300,000 volts and bring in up to 3 amperes (amps) to the body. Once surprised with this voltage, an assailant can either suffer a sharp pain or fall down in a heap and powerless to move for about 15 minutes. The quantity of voltage may sound like serious but in fact, it is pretty much undamaging to the body. There is only momentary anxiety as the amperage of the charge controls the strong point. The 3 amps delivered by the stun gun device are sufficient to halt an assailant with no causing him sober injure.

Different to what most individual think, stun gun voltage doesn't have to be applying to the neck or head area of an assailant to be effective. This is since the wide-ranging nervous system is already doing its job of linking the brain and the body. Once the stun gun device is applied to whichever part of the body, the nerves serve as conduits that let the impulse travels to the brain. A person's body mass and physiology, though, affect the value of a stun gun device. For example, an assailant who weighs 250 pounds or more would formulate the stun gun device work extra as there's an added distance the current needs to pass through to the brain.

If you get it essential to bear a device for self-defense reasons yet suspicious of causing lethal injure to other individual, and then a stun gun is perfect for you. As talk about, stun gun voltage momentarily mess up the body's neurotransmitters. This creates difficulty for the muscles to do their functions well. You don't have to undergo any nervousness as no internal organs are injured in the practice, not even the brain. The central idea in using a stun gun device is to leave an assailant surprised long enough to let you to get away and run for safety.

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