Thursday, September 15, 2011

How A Guy Can Look Fashionable Through Blu Cig

By Spencer Tabbs

Men often times do not have any sense of fashion at all. Most of the time, they would just grab something in the closet, wear it and off they go. But of course, if we have men in the house, we would want them to look nice and show that they have a good sense of fashion. Here are some tips you guys can use to look great and handsome through blu cig coupon code.

Pants - Guys don't really think too much of their pants. They just reach for a pair nearest them, put them on and go off to where they are supposed to be. But a guy has to work the pants to make them look good and trendy as well. Buy or wear pants that are not too tight and not too loose on you. If you don't want your pants to look dirty and thready at the hemline, make sure that your pants is just the right length for you; not too short and not too long.

Polos - Men often depend on their shirts when it comes to the nature of their look. Whether or not they go for simple or elegant, the shirt would pretty much determine their attire. If you are planning for that casual, comfortable look, go for a simple shirt or polo shirt. But take note; do not wear clothes that have the brand or label printed in the front or back in full size. You want to look casual and relaxed, not a salesman for a certain brand who's endorsing the company they work for.

Add-ons - In a few articles and blu cig electronic cigarettes, they'd tell you to avoid using accessories as it may crowd your image too much. Yes, you may look too stuffed but there are ways to use accessories without going overboard. If you want to look simple yet classy, you can wear a watch and cufflinks simply to add a little bit of class to a formal look. Don't be too accessorized that it would seem you have more add-ons than a woman.

Know other people's opinion - It's not bad to ask for other people's opinion when it comes to the way you look in your clothes. If you want to know what others think of how you look, rather than depending too much on what a fashion magazine or a blu cig reviews tells you, ask other people who know you. Each person's look is different and an outfit or trend might not be suitable for you which is why it won't hurt for you to ask them.

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