Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Personal Life Coaching: The Best Programs

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

The best personal life coaching programs will apply the modalities of shadow work, pain-body counseling, law of attraction coaching, relationship counseling, astrology readings, and transcendence counseling. One-on-one personal life coaching sessions should meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the appropriate tools for your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives.

Every thought you have is a simple form of energy. When negative thoughts are allowed to accumulate, they fester, intensify and become emotional in nature. If ignored or denied over time, these dark emotions tend to cling to our psyche, becoming tar-like and parasitical. Negative thoughts and emotions that arise from time to time are shamed by the ego and therefore denied or repressed altogether. The more you repress this negative self, the darker and denser it becomes. The eminent psychologist, Carl Jung, called this hidden self the shadow. Left unresolved, these shadow emotions inevitably manifest themselves as anxiety, depression, and emotional violence. In the collective unconscious, these darker aspects of the psyche feed on emotional pain. Both masochistic and sadistic at the same time, this pain-body parasite frequently preys on human hosts. Pain-body counseling can help you to become conscious of your own pain-body so that you can work toward healing it.

Do you want to be self reliant or have financial freedom? If so, do you think you can achieve it without stress? Most people don't believe this to be possible. The coming shift in consciousness will bring forth a transition from mind-based manifesting to heart-based manifesting. The law of attraction as explained in the book, "The Secret," is possible but comes with a caveat: you will also get what you don't want. Because the brain is polarized, whenever the brain manifests your reality, you will automatically attract the opposite of what you want. In other words, you will get a good dose of drama, conflict, and stress along with the new mansion and Mercedes. Heart-based manifestation, on the other hand, transcends the ego so that you can manifest abundance selflessly, not selfishly. Heart-based manifestation coaching can help you to tap into the true power of intention.

The term "soul mate" is both overused and misused in today's vernacular. People who are co-dependent on others are misled into believing that they are going to find their soul mate if they join an online dating service or follow the guidelines laid out in a particular book. But it doesn't work that way. It begins with becoming emotionally independent first, then attracting the same in the other. This means not having to depend on external situations, material forms, or other people to bring you happiness because you are already complete. It doesn't mean that you won't have needs, it only means that you've successfully learned to identify and satisfy those needs on your own, by your Self. Personal life coaching with relationship coaching can provide you with the tools you'll need to become emotionally self reliant.

When searching for a personal life coach, it is highly advisable to find one who can balance his or her intuitive wisdom with astrological aptitude. Inquire to see if following astrological services are offered: natal chart interpretation, synastry in relationships, predictive astrology, and life path astrological analysis.

Our human species currently allows over a billion of its own people to live below the poverty level. It also allows for millions of its own to be slaughtered in never-ending wars. I believe that the success of a human species should be defined by its ability to get along with one another in a cooperative state of peace and harmony. The current state of evolutionary consciousness is exemplified by the fear-based, self-centered, reptilian-brained, egoic mind. It's as if the ego says, "You and I disagree, therefore you are my enemy." And it is this behavioral dynamic that has been the impetus for arguments, conflicts, and wars with our fellow human for the last five millennia. This is why the ego must be transcended before we can evolve into the Next Human. The best personal life coaching programs will also offer self transcendence counseling. This can help you to move beyond the ego and forge a path toward spiritual enlightenment and self realization.

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