Saturday, October 15, 2011

Living Your Optimal Life Enables You To Achieve Anything!

By Emmanuel Van Der Meulen

With all the responsibilities and stresses of today, it is easy to feel that there is not enough time to get your life back onto the path that you had actually wanted to follow. By living your optimal life you can achieve all of those things that people say they want to do but somehow never get around to doing. Or even stopping and looking, possibly even for the first time at what you'd rather want to do!

Almost everyone wants to find a way to be at peace and to put their mind at ease. Some people want to improve themselves according to the guidance of their religion. Others may want to have some time away from it all, in order to consider their spirituality. What is the answer?

You can achieve ease of mind by allowing yourself the simple things - such as sitting down for a short while for a cup of tea, or going for a walk every day. Many of us do not think that making time to relax and reflect every day is a priority. Sometimes I call these breaks, when they occur after the completion of something, a celebration.

Spending time with family and friends can be neglected with so many working long hours, and with partners and children having schedules that clash. This leaves people feeling unfulfilled as they do not get to share their achievements with anyone, or to enjoy the rewards of hard work.

People who have decided to reduce their working hours often wondered how they would cope financially, or if their career path would be compromised. But when the quality time they spend with loved ones, especially seeing children grow up, is considered, they find a way to make it work because this is more precious to them. It comes down to what is important. If the family genuinely cannot manage without the lost income, then declaring just one day or evening a month to be family time can allow sharing. It can improve relationships, knowing that until the next allocated family time, they have stories they are saving to share and something to look forward to. Another basic celebration, even if just a visit and a cup of tea.

Some have ambitions that they have treasured for a long time but have not yet achieved. Doing that bungee jump, or going on that trip, can prove to yourself that you are in charge of how you spend your time, and can help revitalize the mind so that other goals would seem more achievable. We are not able to do what we want all of the time and it is key to realise that as adults, situations are unlikely to drastically change in such a way that it suddenly becomes possible for us to do everything we wanted to do. We have to make the decision to just go ahead and be in charge of making these things happen for us.

Sometimes people's quality of life would be superior if they were able to develop their physical or mental health. This may seem time consuming to go about, but if there is something that is physically or mentally holding you back, then it will be well worth the effort to attend to this.

The most vital thing about living your optimal life is that this should suit each individual. You should not feel pressurised into following these hints or any others, for that matter. That would only add to your stress levels. There may be things that you may not really want to change or even achieve but you may feel that you should, for your life to be seen as well lived. If your notion of optimal living is to go about your work, enjoy your meals and to discuss your favourite television shows with close friends, then these are the things that you should focus on. You should ensure that they bring you as much satisfaction and sense of self-worth as possible. Other important steps will emerge along your journey.

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