Friday, October 12, 2012

Benefits Of Global Spirituality For Mental Health

By Leigh Bean

It's an established scientific fact that people with strong spiritual beliefs and practices fare better when it comes to mental and physical health overall. These folks always keep an eye on the bigger picture, and tend to see adversity and stress-inducing events from a healthier perspective than others. Generally, individuals with an enduring sense of spiritual awareness can mentally step outside the maddening pushes and pulls of modern life, and still find fulfillment and joy in the laughter of children or the sound of falling rain. Find out below how the developing global spirituality has advantages for everyone's mental health, among other things.

Regardless of a person's spiritual faith or path, the general lifestyle of dedication and worship serve to buffer daily stresses and strains. Individuals having an intrinsic spiritual orientation dedicate actions and thoughts to a higher power or Being, whatever the name given to such an entity. Aside from showing less stress reactions, also these folks are less afraid of death, and generally enjoy greater emotional well-being.

Research shows people with enduring gratitude irrespective of life circumstances cope better with adversity, and are generally in better psychological shape than most. These folks tend to focus on what makes life worth living, and appreciate the simple necessities on a daily basis. Gratefulness is common to individuals that adopt a spiritual outlook on existence.

When imbued with a sense of spiritual awareness, individuals tend to be optimistic about life and personal circumstances. Optimism has also been linked with greater psychological wellness, because of its capacity to help people interpret hardship in positive terms. The conviction that everything will eventually work out to everyone's advantage is often an effective barrier against being overwhelmed by stress and anxiety.

To folks that are spiritual in attitude, life is full of lessons from which to learn and gain new insights. This attitudinal stance again makes facing challenging circumstances easier, since these contain messages to help bolster the growth of one's inner development. In this way, failures and successes are virtually the same, since both are opportunities for learning about the self, life, and one's spiritual path.

Folks with steadfast spiritual beliefs tend to put complete trust in the guidance of a higher being. This has many benefits, including giving believers the certainty that somehow everything makes sense within the bigger scheme of things. Situations that escape immediate comprehension don't have to be fret over, since the person has total trust in the knowledge that a higher power is in control.

Spiritually aware people tend to lead a meditative lifestyle. Aside from practicing meditation for relaxation, such folk also use the practice as an opportunity for spiritual refreshment and insight. Whereas unresolved stress tears down the body's immune system over time, thereby making individuals vulnerable to physical and mental ails, meditation helps the body repair itself and restores the mind to function with optimum clarity, focus and creativity.

Mindful living, which includes learning to pay attention to and valuing the present moment, is another attribute most folks cultivating a spiritual life adopt. This not only helps people appreciate the small miracles happening everyday all around, but also keeps the mind from worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. There are many benefits the current spread of global spirituality has for human beings as well as for the planet. For one, living with greater spiritual awareness is good for mental health.

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