Sunday, October 21, 2012

Is Kellene Bishop on Doomsday Preppers Right?

By Terrance Franklin

Kellene Bishop is an intriguing case to a lot of of the public who have views of doomsday preppers to be grizzled ex-vets with stockpiles of weapons. She is evidence that anyone can be a prepper, even a peppy Utah housewife.

1. Financial collapse - result on supermarkets

Taken with a grain of salt because this was the situation offered by national geographic but I think there is something to be mentioned in the interpretation of a debt crisis to the supermarket. Sovereign debt and corporate debt are two totally different things, and you do not need to worry about food not showing up in your city until grocers world-wide are going bankrupt.

No one goes starving when the stock market crashes (other than those who own stock). During the economic downfall of 2008, Campbell's was actually among the only stocks to increase. The media can portray monetary instability as very dire however it might take much to literally cut the supply of food.

2. Using a Solar oven

I wish they went into this more. The concept of a solar oven is extremely attractive for the reason that it doesn't require any fuel and doesn't give away a place. The ability to remain hidden will be important to avoid possible raiders from discovering who to target next.

3. Prepping with flavor

This is an extremely helpful idea. How many of you have got food in your pantry that has been sitting there for several weeks (if not years) without any intent of being used before the shtf? Kellene's habit of cooking the same food she intends to eat in case of a tragedy serves two fantastic purposes.

First, it allows her to rotate out older stores. A shelf stable food which has been in storage may not have a lot of time left if the SHTF. You wouldn't prefer to have a 5 year supply of processed food, lasting 5 years that has been on your rack for four.

Secondly, it will allow her to truly practice the way she will survive. Most of us believe that we can survive on dry corn and beans but it might be a rude awakening that day the supervolcano/san andreas fault/meteor goes off. I have a sensation Kellene's life-style won?t take a drop at all once the big one arrives.

4. Defending the house

If there's one thing I am uneasy with it is the idea of bugging in. As this show has aired, Kellene might as well have painted a huge goal on her back. However even if she was not aired, the attention she was getting through training and hosting classes is sufficient to get attention. I really hope for her sake the people she instructs are willing to band together to protect the food stores since otherwise people will come looking.

5. The only one with one hundred lbs to lose?

I even don't agree with Kellene's statement but it sort of refers to the above mentioned point. Physical fitness is instantly essential for mobility and self defense however in the future is as necessary to survival as having enough food.

After the day, survival is all about remaining alive. Overweight or obese weight is the next leading cause of preventable death in America, claiming an estimated 300,000 lives in the US yearly. The danger for heart problems, diabetic issues as well as cancer are linked to having excess weight. Working to avoid one reason for death while overlooking the other just does not make sense to me.

6. Self defense

Mixed feelings regarding this. On the one hand, martial arts are the best way to develop your body and mind to be ready for unfavorable situations. However, in a true disaster scenario it is really anything goes and weapons will be involved in any altercation. Having fake confidence in capabilities may lead one to more threat than having accurate knowledge of defenselessness.

As a grappler of several years, I can claim that the form being directed and drilled in the video shown was bad and 'going through the motions' won't help in any kind of live scenario. With grappling particularly, live sparring is vital because things can get so complicated. One-off training is the kind of things which leads to danger, consistency is the only way one will be able to use martial arts.

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