Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Weight Loss Tips: How to Stay Motivated

By Brad Wilson

Comfort is something we all crave. For many people, that comfort is none other than food. But you will be able to lose weight if you learn to manage your mood swings effectively and stay motivated. You will find examples of people doing it every day. Here is some help to keep motivated to weight loss.

Losing Weight

Of course we know how to lose weight. Think about what you eat and exercise. You do a bit of calorie counting and you make sure you stick to your routine. But the motivation you need to stick to the plan may cause a hindrance. When you lose motivation you lose the capability to be consistent. If you can conquer this you can be on the path to your destination: a fabulous physique that you are proud of.

Staying Motivated


You have to change your outlook to change your life. When something bad happens, stop and think for a second if food is what you really need. Consider the effort you have already put in and think about whether you want to negate it all.

Foresee Failure

Failures should not be something you get stuck with. You are not perfect and failures will be a part of your experience. When you will binge and when you will give in to cravings and when you will give in to depression. But mulling over it will only turn that one failure into many failures. Failures are just part of the process as much as anything else.

Managing Stress

You need to have stress busters. Perhaps you can read a book or watch a movie when you feel sad. Be active. You need to have 'escapes' but they don't have to be food. Talk to a friend or a relative.

Food Cravings and How to Deal

Humans will always have food cravings. If you raid the fridge have a cold drink of fresh water and wait for the craving to pass. Think about how you will be able to have that craved food once you have a healthy, attractive body and when you will be happy. Healthy low calorie snack options should also be kept close by.

Craving Sugary Drinks

Diet sodas should be replaced with the fizzy sugary drinks. It may take a while but soon you will be off that stuff for good. Have a couple of cups of green tea every day - the caffeine in herbal teas can take the edge off and it is a healthier alternative.

You cannot worry about what people say all the time. Your actions shouldn't depend on other people's commentary. Don't let petty derogatory comments from others ruin your life. Be in charge of your own body. Massage therapy can help too like sensual massage London.

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