Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nail Biting - A Terrible Compulsion You Can Swiftly Break With Hypnosis & Nlp

By R Smith

Nail biting is related to skin picking and hair pulling. These behaviours are labeled as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Nail biters keep their hands behind their backs or in their pockets. Nail chewers often feel social embarrassment and experience out-of-control feelings sometimes. At times they may question why they cannot stop biting and they often query regardless of whether or not they are sane.

Biting frequently happens when folk are in one of two modes. Some nail biters do it in an automated way, as if they're in some kind of altered state and not really pondering what they are doing. It's regularly when they're engrossed in some other activity simultaneously such as chatting on the phone or watching Television, etc. For others, their main activity at the time is the particular picking or biting, and they will usually interrupt their other activities to become involved in it.

There is a powerful commonality seen in the diverse purposes behind nail biting, skin picking and hair pulling. At a very basic level, these symptoms satisfy an urge. Many report a wild compulsion to do them. Pulling, picking or biting also appears to deliver an enjoyable or relaxed sensation.

When sufferers feel stressed, doing these things has a type of calming effect on their nervous systems and decreases levels of kick. From an alternative perspective, when they're bored or inactive, they appear to offer a required level of kick to the nerve system. This will account for why so many folks who dislike doing them find it so hard to give up these behaviors. It simply "feels good" at the time regardless of everything else.

Whether or not you have more than one of those issues, don't give in on yourself. These symptoms can be overcome if you have got the inducement. More important is learning to "de-stigmatize" yourself. You are not mad, defenseless, morally feeble or totally out of control, although you may feel just like you are on occasion. Once you realize that you're just a person who simply happens to have a horrible habit, you can make some serious progress.

Skin picking and nail biting are chronic issues, so there's not now a "cure" but you can find a recovery if you're content to work at it. Hypnosis for nail biting consists of three parts.

Therapy For Nail Biting

First nail biting is a twitchy habit. So the first part of the treatment is to teach the nail biter how to be more relaxed at all times. To that end, I have found that normal hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, and NLP techniques are customarily reasonably effective. That is because the basis of hypnosis is relaxation. The biter can learn to apply 1 or 2 different strategies to extend both the relaxed state, as well as his/her overall feeling of relaxation and well-being.

The second part teaches the biter awareness of this comatose habit. Recommendations are given to the comatose mind to make the consciousness conscious of the fact that you're about to nibble your fingernails. Then you get to consciously decide whether you are actually going to bite them.

There are a number of other powerful hypnosis and NLP techniques. As an example , we are able to help the customer to line up an "Anchor" or trigger so that he/she'll momentarily psychologically step outside of him/personally. This is an effective method that will relieve the compulsion.

The third part of the hypnotherapy is to get rid of the compulsion to bite. There are hypnotic methodologies that really program the customer with a compulsion to not bite.

With this behavior, being pragmatic is very important. First, you have practiced the unwanted behaviour hundreds or maybe several thousand times. It is vital to acknowledge that the urge to chew your fingernails will not be overcome in a couple of days.

Second, you are fighting the fact that biting your nails feels good, and it offers lots of short-term satisfaction and either stimulation or relaxing feelings. It can take a little time to overcome, but it is going to be worth it. My experience has shown a number of techniques to be particularly effective!

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