Thursday, December 20, 2012

Considering The Interesting Viewpoints About Why To Astral Project

By Richard Taylor

There is a fascination that follows people who are said to have the ability to astral project. This is an important part of learning to discern the difference between the physical body and the spiritual self. For many, it is a goal that fills their entire spiritual lifetime.

While astral projection, or the process of experiencing and describing an out of body occurrence, is part of the realm of several forms of spiritual practice, the actual events can be elusive. Some scientists deny that it is possible, while others insist that they have been part of these moments many times. The entire idea has both supporters and those who view it as mere superstition.

What happens during these other worldly experiences differs from person to person. Some actually see their own bodies as if they were looking at a totally different person. Others have what is more like a dream in which they visit places all around the world even though their physical bodies have not left one place. The oldest religions often accept these altered states as being part of an active spiritual faith. For them, it is important to cultivate these occurrences through meditation and other spiritual disciplines. Prayers, chants and relaxation are the vehicles they use to reach higher levels of their faith.

These significant spiritual matters have universal themes that run through many of the major world religions. Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and many others attempt to achieve this separated from the body state in order to become closer to the creator of the universe. They believe it is possible to unite with their God through unwavering devotion while they are alive. For others, they believe that unity with God is only possible after death.

Spiritual projection, or even the attempt to achieve it is viewed by many conservative religions as the realm where evil lurks. They shun any form of behavior that seeks to achieve it. The idea that any actions by humans meant to change the way souls and bodies exist is to step into struggles between evil spirits, angels and the cosmic war of good against evil. To do so is considered foolish and dangerous because it opens the easy pathway into the human heart, mind and soul.

Many Eastern religions have mythical figures said to roam as spirits. Some view spirits as infusing every living thing on earth. Others deal with human spirits as inhabiting the physical body, yet challenged with the other worldly spirits who toy with humans. This separation of the spirit from the body is a complex issue with many ways of describing what actually is possible.

Humans throughout history have struggled with stories reported about religious people being spotted on earth at several locations concurrently. It is these eye witness accounts that give validity to the process, even though it is not understood how these viewings can be possible given what science proves is reliable or not.

The reports about the ability to astral project continues to fascinate the believer and confuse the skeptical. Because there are so very many tales about how and when these incidents have occurred, it is difficult to discard the fervent belief of those who are spiritual. Being able to share a vision that other humans have yet to understand continues to encourage people to explore the mystical and live as though their lives are always partly on earth and potentially united with the powers in the universe.

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