Friday, December 21, 2012

How To Make A Difference In The World Through The Little Things

By Brandi Little

Few things are quite as depressing as listening or reading the news. There is so much violence and suffering that you may want to switch off and never leave your house again. However, everybody has the power to make this planet a better place. If you're wondering how to make a difference in the world, there are some basic things you can do.

You don't have to be a great leader or give up your life to go work in the slums of Calcutta to make the world a better place. For every Mother Teresa there are thousands of ordinary people who quietly go about doing something small that has a huge impact on others. You may think that what you're doing is too small to really mean anything, but if everybody does something small, it adds up like drops that form a great ocean. In time you may even find that you're doing bigger and bigger things.

Some of the simplest ways to have a positive impact are those little kindnesses you can show to others through the course of your day. You never know how something that you didn't even think about, can change another person's day. The woman you compliment on her beautiful dress may be walking on air for hours afterward. The elderly person whose shopping you helped carry may be in less pain tonight. The stranger you greeted with a smile may feel less lonely and invisible.

There are many people who do a lot of good simply by the job that they're doing. Those who run free clinics or soup kitchens, animal conservation programs or other projects work long, hard hours, often for very little money. They will appreciate any help they can get, so make some time for volunteering.

With a little research you will easily find a project or organization that needs volunteers. There will be at least one somewhere in your area. If you're planning to go on holiday, you will find special volunteer travel packages but you may also find projects once you're at your destination.

Projects and organizations that use volunteers also need material donations, not just your time. Often donations are their only way of financing the big task they have to fulfill. If you can't give money, think creatively. A schoolgirl in South Africa started donating care packages to her local police station to give to rape victims. Nobody had thought of the fact that a rape victim may want to have clean underwear while she's at the police station. Today the project has spread to police stations all over the country.

Be aware of what is going on around you and speak out about injustices. However, don't just talk. Creating awareness can only go so far. Your power as consumer is much larger than you realize. Consumer boycotts have forced companies to end unethical practices. They have even brought down unjust regimes.

Whenever you wonder how to make a difference in the world, remember that all people, animals and the environment are connected. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you. Compassion and respect will create a better planet for everyone.

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