Thursday, January 21, 2010

Choosing Self Defense Products

By Teresa Bernard

Crime can strike anyone, anywhere without warning. It's smart to be prepared and on your guard at all times. Most people don't give crime much thought until they become a victim. Taking no precautionary measures, doing nothing to prepare yourself and thinking it can happen only to someone else, makes you the perfect victim criminals are looking for.

FBI reports tell us that violent crime is everywhere in the U.S. At any given time an aggressive assault is happening somewhere. Crimes like murder, forcible rape, physical battering, etc. Unfortunately there is no 100 percent assurance you'll never be in circumstances where you have to defend yourself.

Reducing the risk of becoming the next victim is the definitive goal of preventing crime. This is easily achieved by making yourself less of a target. There are quite a few self-defense tactics you can choose to use for your own personal protection. Taking a self-defense class is one method you may want to consider, especially if you are a woman. Self-defense products are another method you may want to use.

Self-defense products are widely used these days because of the immense increase in crime. When it comes to the importance of your safety, they are an inexpensive means of protection. These devices are allowed in most states. Law enforcement personnel and the military use them the world over as a means of law enforcement and controlling crowds.

Self-defense products are handy non-lethal tools to have around. When used against an assailant they will effectively give you the time required to get away from your attacker. Even if you are inexperienced at defending yourself, these products can help you have confidence.

With the many choices available, it's hard to know which product to choose. The three most popular items are personal alarms, pepper spray and stun guns. The choice is up to you as to which one you are most comfortable with using.

A personal alarm is perfect for drawing attention to yourself when you need to. The last thing an assailant wants is to attract attention. They are small, affordable devices that can be easily carried on your wrist or key chain. When activated they emit a very loud and annoying sound designed to get noticed by others. An attacker won't like this and will leave you alone.

Pepper spray (a.k.a. defensive spray) causes a burning and tearing of the eyes when sprayed into the face of an assailant. It is a very effective way to stop an attack and can be sprayed from 18 feet away. The effects are temporary and will only last for about 1/2 hour.

Stun gun devices are powerful enough to immobilize most anyone. They work on the neurological system that controls the muscular movement. They are extremely effective and can considerably improve your chances of escape or minimize dangerous situations. Anyone who might tell you a stun gun won't work has never seen one in action. An attacker can be incapacitated in mere seconds as there is simply no way to override the effects of a million volt electrical charge surging through the body.

All of the self-defense products mentioned are effective devices and are surprisingly easy to use with little or no training. It is recommended that all three be kept with you and ready for use at all times. Which device you use would depend on the circumstances you find yourself in

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