Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why You Need Self Defense Products

By Teresa Bernard

If you are like most people, you live life never expecting to have a need for self defense weapons. You probably feel that to own such devices as a stun gun or canister of pepper spray means you are owning up to the reality that it could quite possibly happen to you some day. You are also thinking if you don't think about self defense, it will never be needed. This type of thinking is dangerous. The sad fact of the matter is, the world is an unsafe place. Personal security devices are important to have around nowadays. Here's a couple of reasons why:

1) Self defense products are necessary as a precaution against an attack.

Possessing self defense equipment is like owning a car insurance policy. No one ever expects to get into an auto collision, but we carry insurance anyway just in case we ever do. This is why it is so important to carry defensive weapons with you or keep them where you can easily get at them if you should ever need them. These tools are great to have around if you should ever need them. It's considerably better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it.

2) Violence is normal nowadays. Most of it occurs unexpectedly and everyone is susceptible to it.

Self-defense products are a necessary means of survival these days because it is rare for someone to go through life without at least one confrontation with an assailant. By carrying pepper spray, a stun gun or some other defensive device, you have a means to protect yourself against that degenerate attacker; even one much larger or stronger than you. Defending yourself against a mugger who means you serious harm is not only the right thing to do, it is the morally superior thing to do. After all this person has gone out of his way to inflict harm on you for his gain.

3) The only one you can rely on in an attack is YOU.

We live in a dangerous world with too many drugs, gangs, robberies, assaults, rapes, home intrusions, etc. There simply aren't enough law enforcement officials to be on every street corner in every city. You cannot rely on help from bystanders either; most are too concerned for their own safety to come to your rescue. If you are attacked, it is unlikely anyone, even the police, will come to your aid soon enough. Let's face it; it will be up to you to defend yourself by any and all means available. To keep you and yours safe, it is essential you carry some sort of self-defense device that will temporarily disable the thug providing you an avenue of escape.

Keep in mind that all the self defense products in the world will not keep you safe if you don't use them. You must be ready to use them if the circumstances call for it. The best part about this type of self defense weaponry is they are non-lethal. They will not result in any long-term consequences. They are only intended to incapacitate an attacker long enough to allow you to escape and find assistance.

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