Monday, January 18, 2010

Lethal vs. Non-Lethal Weapons, You Decide

By Teresa Bernard

The world today is an unsafe place and the rise in violent crime rates will attest to that. Therefore, it is important for individuals to be ever vigilant about their personal safety. One way is with self-defense weapons. Self-defense weapons can be classified as lethal and non-lethal. Let's look at the differences of each type.

Lethal Self Defense Weapons

Rifles, shotguns, handguns and knives are examples of lethal weapons. These particular weapons can inflict severe wounds and their effects can be permanent as well as deadly. Most require instructions in their use and some require a license or permit to carry. Regular practice is also needed to become and stay proficient in their use. Sometimes the line between self-defense and assault can become blurred when these arms are used to defend yourself, as it can be considered "a use of excessive force" especially if your attacker isn't armed. Keep in mind that your lethal weapons can be used against you if your attacker manages to overpower and disarm you. When using firearms, you must know your target and what is beyond the target to avoid injuring innocent bystanders. These deadly weapons are not for the inexperienced. Lethal weapons can be expensive to own and the responsibility of ownership is much greater. If you are willing to use lethal force to protect yourself or your family, then you may have to live with the repercussions for the rest of your life.


A non-lethal weapon is one, which is specifically designed and primarily used to incapacitate an individual, while minimizing fatalities and permanent injury. Unlike lethal armaments, non-lethal weapons employ a technique other than deadly force to attain the objective. Defensive sprays, like pepper spray and mace, and energy devices, like stun guns and tasers, are prime examples of non-lethal weapons. When properly used, non-lethal weapons will not result in serious injuries or fatalities. Nor will there be an long lasting repercussions. Yet they are powerful enough to halt an assailants attack giving you enough time to escape. You do not need a license or permit to carry these types of weapons. Anybody can operate them with little or no special instruction. Many have built-in safety features, which will deactivate the device if an attacker takes it away from you. There is also lower risk of innocent bystanders being severely harmed by them because the effects are not long lasting. They are less expensive than most lethal-weapons.

The Choice is Yours

Your choice to carry self-defense weapons, whether lethal or non-lethal, is a personal decision. Keep in mind, being armed and prepared to use a weapon in self-defense won't stop every crime, however, it can drastically reduce your chances for an attack and greatly increase your survival if you are attacked.

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