Friday, January 22, 2010

Finding A Position At A Security Company

By Jason Williams

A security company is a business that specializes in supplying personnel that provides security to a business or home. These companies are hired by businesses or shopping centers. Once hired, the security company sends over people who they have trained and certified to provide on-point security according to your specifications.

All security companies are a little different so you may want to do some research before you hire one. If you wish to work for a security company be prepared to go through physical and psychological examinations. You will also have to be trained to use any weapons and equipment you may need to perform your duties.

If you want to work for a security company be prepared to go through this kind of training and pass extensive background checks. When starting out in the security game, you will usually get placed on a night shift. This is great for students or night owls as most of the time you will simply be sitting there.

When you acquire a little more experience working security they will usually make you work during a more high profile shift. For example, working a mall during operating hours requires you to stay alert and keep a sharp eye on the shoppers. Working for a corporation is a little easier as you'll probably have to keep an eye on the premises and sign in guests.

Most of the security jobs within the United States are fairly easy and require very little work. However there is another side to security companies where the work can be very dangerous. These companies are usually hired by private contractors to go to war zones like Iraq and act as security for their offshore employees. The people who work for these companies are usually ex-military and are well versed in army procedures.

Companies like Black-water train their personnel to be civilian armies. These people know how to drive all kinds of cars, use different types of weapons, and are even trained to diffuse bombs. Though this type of security job is very dangerous is offers a much higher salary then someone who works security at a mall. These guards can be used to protect a building or a group of people (they will travel with the group like body-guards).

It doesn't matter whether you want to hire a security company or work for one. Just make sure to do research before hand and you will be happy with your decision.

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