Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oriental Concept Of Peace By Symbolism

By Lucy Xiu

The most unique thing about Chinese writing is that they are actually thoughts expressed through the symbols or characters rather than letters forming words with phonetics. The writing script which is known as Hans uses a huge number of 47,035 characters which are actually symbols and are put together in Chinese dictionary called Kangxi. In reality most of these character symbols have become outdated.

The idea of peace holds a very special place in the Chinese symbols. The peace as perceived by Chinese character symbols is more of the feeling of happiness in the heart of the people rather than absence of war. They believe that this is what the human race is actually looking for.

The Chinese peace symbol is therefore presenting one of the most valuable things to man. Different people have different perceptions about the ways of acquiring peace. Some will go bungee jumping for it whereas others will turn to God in remorse. The Chinese however have their own concept and ways of acquiring peace.

According to ancient custom the Chinese people have made intensive use of their symbols as a means of attracting good things as desired. The experience of peace being one of the dearest things to human nature the use of the peace symbol is found widely in Chinese culture.

You may speculate how the Chinese people attempt to use this symbol of peace. The history of China shows clearly how the Chinese people as a nation used the peace symbol. They have used the symbol of peace by surrounding themselves with it to achieve peace in their own hearts rather than anything else.

When you take a look at Chinese society you will find that the character of peace symbol is not the only one which is so popular to get positive things in the lives of the people. There are other symbols, the character of which you will find in shops, cars, offices, homes like the characters of blessing symbols and symbols of good fortune.

In the west the idea of peace is something really cool in the eyes of the young people today. On top of that the Chinese peace symbol has a very attractive physical appearance which they find extremely appealing and easy to adopt. As a result you will find many fashion accessories and clothes carrying the peace symbol and they are very much in demand.

The idea of peace is regarded as cool by the young people in the west in modern times. The formation of the symbols has a special attraction to the westerners as they seem to have style and philosophical meaning. The shops in the west are selling the fashion garments and accessories with Chinese peace symbol in bulk to the people.

Of course there is a big difference in the awareness that the westerners have regarding the Chinese peace symbols and the perception that has been prevailing in China for centuries.

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